2008 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉
"Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2008" Election

投票期 Voting period: 2008/12/27 00:00 至 to 2009/01/18 23:59

2008 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉 'Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2008' Election

歡迎!請投選你心目中 2008 年度的天文、地理及氣象大事 (最少1項,最多10項):本選舉已於2009年1月18日23時59分結束
Welcome! Please select at most 10 events that, in your opinion, are the most significant in 2008: The election has been closed on 2009/01/18 at 23:59

1月份 :: January
中下旬和二月: 中國雪災影響多個省市並最少導致129人死亡;香港連續24日發出寒冷天氣警告,本年二月為40年來最冷 :: A series of winter storms in China killed at least 129 people; Cold Weather Warning was issued for 24 consecutive days in Hong Kong, and the February this year is the coldest in 40 years.
2月份 :: February
5及6日: 美國田納西州、阿肯色州、肯塔基州、亞拉巴馬州和密西西比州遭受龍捲風襲擊,57人死亡。:: Tornado outbreak at Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas resulted in 57 deaths.
27日: 英國發生近25年來最強烈的地震,強度為黎克特制5.2級,震央位於林肯郡的小鎮馬基特雷森 :: An earthquake of magnitude 5.2 occurred at Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. This is the most intense earthquake in England in nearly 25 years.
3月份 :: March
25日: 美國科學家證實南極半島威爾金斯冰架裡的一塊巨大冰川斷裂入海,面積約為405平方公里,反映了正在惡化的全球暖化問題 :: A 405 square kilometres chunk of the Wilkins ice shelf disintegrated, reflecting the worsening effects of global warming.
29日: 由世界自然基金會發起的「地球時間」活動在全球380多城鎮舉行;參與地區於當地時間下午8時關上不必要的耗電用品一小時,藉此推廣節約能源的訊息 :: 'Earth Hour', an event created by The World Wide Fund for Nature, was held in more than 380 cities around the world. Unnecessary electrical appliances were switched off at 8 p.m. local time for one hour. This event aims at raising the awareness towards global climate change.
4月份 :: April
17日: 颱風浣熊襲港,為本港帶來戰後最早的三號強風信號,而其雨帶亦令天文台發出本年首個黑色暴雨警告 :: Typhoon Neoguri brought Hong Kong the earliest No. 3 Strong Wind Signal since World War II. Its rainbands also necessitated the first Black Rainstorm Warning Signal of the year.
5月份 :: May
2日: 氣旋納爾吉斯登陸緬甸,造成超過9萬人死亡,5萬6千人失蹤 :: Cyclone Nargis made landfall at Myanmar. More than 90,000 people were killed and another 56,000 went missing.
12日: 四川汶川8級大地震,造成接近7萬人死亡,37萬多人受傷 :: Sichuan earthquake of magnitude 8 killed nearly 70,000 and injured more than 370,000.
25日: 鳳凰號成功登陸火星,並於7月証實火星有水存在 :: Spacecraft Phoenix landed on Mars. With the help of Phoenix, it was confirmed later in July that ice exists on the planet.
6月份 :: June
6月連場暴雨,該月總雨量達1346.1毫米,為正常的三倍 :: Due to heavy rains during the month, a record high of 1346.1 mm of rainfall was recorded in June, which was 3 times the normal amount.
16日: 中國南方由6月上旬開始的水災造成63人死亡,13人失蹤 :: South China floods that commenced in early June had killed 63 and 13 went missing.
24日: 颱風風神襲港,於天文台東面25公里掠過,天文台發出本年首個八號熱帶氣旋警告信號。風神較早前橫過菲律賓,導致超過200人死亡,另使群星公主號渡輪沉沒,800多名乘客遇難 :: Typhoon Fengshen affected Hong Kong and the Observatory issued the first No. 8 Gale or Storm Warning of the year. Fengshen traversed the Philippines earlier and killed over 200 people. 800 on board the Princess of the Stars were killed as the vessel was capsized.
7月份 :: July
28日: 受颱風鳳凰的下沉氣流影響,天文台錄得本年最高氣溫34.6度 :: The Observatory recorded 34.6 degrees, the highest in 2008, due to the subsidence of Typhoon Fung-wong near Taiwan.
8月份 :: August
1日: 中國部分地區可於日落前看到日全食,本港亦見到日偏食 :: A total solar eclipse was visible in some places within China. Hong Kong also experienced partial eclipse before sunset.
6日: 強烈熱帶風暴北冕襲港,最接近香港時在天文台西南偏南約130公里,天文台發出八號熱帶氣旋信號。北冕其後登陸越南,造成超過100人死亡和失蹤 :: Severe Tropical Storm Kammuri necessitated the second No. 8 Gale or Storm Signal of 2008. Kammuri later made landfall at Vietnam, and as a result over 100 people were killed or went missing.
17日: 南美洲、非洲、歐洲、亞洲和大洋洲均可見到一次月偏食 :: A Partial lunar eclipse was visible in South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania.
22日: 颱風鸚鵡襲港,在天文台一公里內掠過,天文台發出自2003年來首個九號烈風或暴風增強信號 :: Typhoon Nuri necessitated the first No. 9 Increasing Gale or Storm Signal since 2003. At its closest point of approach, Nuri was located only less than 1 kilometre from the Observatory.
9月份 :: September
1日: 颶風古斯塔夫在美國路易斯安那州登陸,較早前古斯塔夫已在加勒比海地區造成80多人死亡 :: Hurricane Gustav made landfall in the state of Louisiana. Gustav has previously killed more than 80 people in the Caribbean.
2日: 颶風漢娜在海地登陸,造成最少136人死亡 :: Hurricane Hanna made landfall at Haiti, killing at least 136.
13日: 颶風艾克在美國德克薩斯州登陸,做成80億美元損失。較早前艾克在經過海地時已奪去最少64人的性命 :: Hurricane Ike made landfall in Texas, US, and monetary losses amounted to 800 million US dollars. Ike previously swept Haiti, and at least 64 people were killed there.
23日: 颱風黑格比襲港,天文台再度發出八號烈風或暴風信號。黑格比為12年來登陸廣東最強的颱風 :: Typhoon Hagupit prompted the Observatory to issue the fourth No. 8 Gale or Storm Signal this year. Hagupit is the strongest typhoon to make landfall in Guangdong Province since Typhoon Sally in 1996.
27日: 航天員翟志剛執行太空行走任務,成為首個太空行走的中國宇航員:: Astronaut Zhai Zhi-gang became the first Chinese citizen to carry out a spacewalk.
27日: 哈勃望遠鏡向地球傳輸科學觀測數據的工作突然中斷,多番修復後於10月重新恢復工作 ::The Hubble Space Telescope abruptly stopped data transmission. After a series of repairs service resumed gradually in October.
28日: 本年最強的颱風薔薇於台灣宜蘭登陸,當地錄得十五年來第二大瞬間最大陣風 :: The most intense typhoon of the year, Jangmi, made landfall at Ilan, Taiwan. The second strongest instantaneous gust in 15 years was recorded there.
10月份 :: October
2日: 熱帶風暴海高斯襲港。海高斯的殘餘於10月5日在香港近距離掠過,天文台發出強烈季候風信號 :: Tropical Storm Higos affected Hong Kong. Its remnants were only less than 100 km from Hong Kong in the afternoon on Oct 5th; the Observatory issued the Strong Monsoon Signal in response to this.
31日: 香港天文台有紀錄以來最暖的十月,平均氣溫為26.5度 :: The warmest October on Observatory's record, with a mean temperature of 26.5 degrees.
11月份 :: November
5日: 越南遭遇35年來最猛烈的洪水,接近100人死亡 :: The most serious flooding in Vietnam in 35 years killed nearly 100.
14日: 印度月船1號的撞擊探測器於11月14日成功觸擊月球表面 :: The Moon Impact Probe of Chandrayaan-1 touched the surface of the Moon on Nov 14th, marking success to India's first mission to the satellite.
12月份 :: December
1日: 金星、木星和月球於天上組成笑臉 :: Venus, Jupiter and the Moon formed a smiling face in the sky.
中下旬: 美國西岸多州受到雪災影響,西北部大部份機場航班延誤 :: Snowstorms prevailed in northwest United States, stranding thousands at airports around the country.
其他 :: Others
其他 (請註明。你不需要填寫全部三個空格;請留空未用盡的格子。注意這裡每一個已填寫的空格將分別計進總數內,例如若你在此填寫2個空格,你將只可以剔選其餘8件事件) :: Others (Please specify. You don't need to fill in all three text boxes; just leave unanswered cells blank. Note that filled boxes here are counted individually towards the total number of events selected, e.g. if you fill in 2 blanks here, you can choose only 8 more events from the list.)

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Participating websites:

香港天氣觀測站香港天氣觀測站 Hong Kong Weather Watch
香港天氣警告信號發出中心香港天氣警告信號發出中心 Hong Kong Weather Warning Signal Issuing Centre
世界熱帶氣旋網世界熱帶氣旋網 World Typhoon Web
PTCCPacific Tropical Cyclone Centre
NF{自家)天文台NF{自家)天文台 Forum Net Observatory