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2022 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉

The Poll 關於是次選舉

This is the fifteenth annual "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of the Year" election held by Hong Kong Weather Watch (HKWW). The election this year adopts a new format, where events are grouped according to their geographical region: "Hong Kong" for events that occurred in Hong Kong or have a local focus, and "Greater China and Global" for other events. Out of the 10 candidate events in each category, voters can choose up to 5 that they think are the most significant.

The voting period runs between 00:00 HKT December 31, 2022 and 23:59 HKT January 10, 2023.

這是香港天氣觀測站第 15 年舉辦年度天文、地理及氣象大事選舉。本年選舉採取全新形式,候選事件被分類為「香港」組別 (包括於香港發生或聚焦於對香港影響的事件) 及「大中華及國際」組別 (所有其他事件)。在每組 10 件候選事件中,投票者可選最多 5 項他們認為該年度最重要的事件。

本年選舉投票期由 2022 年 12 月 31 日 香港時間 00:002023 年 1 月 10 日 香港時間 23:59

Link to the voting page 投票頁連結

Voting has concluded on January 10, 2023. Thank you for your support!

投票已於 2023 年 1 月 10 日結束,感謝各位參與。

Results of the Election 選舉結果

The results of this year's election are as follows. 本年選舉結果如下:

Number of voters 投票人數 : 89

Total number of events selected1 總事件選擇數1:

  • Hong Kong region 香港組別 : 363 (Average 4.1 events per voter 平均每人投選 4.1 項)
  • Greater China and Global region 大中華及國際組別 : 316 (Average 3.6 events per voter 平均每人投選 3.6 項)

Votes received for "Other events" 其他事件票數 : 5

In the table below, events are listed in chronological order should ties occur. 在下表中,得票名次相同的事件以發生時間順序排列。

Events nominated for the Hong Kong region 香港組別候選事件

# of votes

(11月2-3日 Nov 2-3) 強烈熱帶風暴尼格於南海北轉並趨近珠江口,天文台發出八號烈風或暴風信號,是自 1972 年以來該信號首度於十一月生效。尼格於天文台西南偏南約 40 公里處掠過,其後登陸珠海並減弱為低壓區。

Severe tropical storm Nalgae turned north in the South China Sea and approached the Pearl River Estuary. The Observatory issued the first #8 Gale or Storm Signal in November since 1972. Nalgae passed at a distance of 40 km from the Observatory, made landfall in Zhuhai and then weakened into an area of low pressure.

Relevant link(s): Our TC review; HKO TC report; Wikipedia article

81 91.0

(7月1-2日 Jul 1-2) 颱風暹芭橫過南海北部並趨向廣東西部,天文台首次於香港特別行政區成立紀念日發出八號烈風或暴風信號。一艘內地工程船於風暴中心附近遇險,船身斷成兩截,30 名船員中只有 4 人獲救。

Typhoon Chaba crossed northern South China Sea and moved towards western Guangdong. For the first time, the Observatory issued the #8 Gale or Storm Signal on the HKSAR Establishment Day. A mainland engineering vessel broke up near Chaba's centre. Only 4 out of the 30 crew members were rescued.

Relevant link(s): Our TC review; HKO TC report; Wikipedia article; HKO report

52 58.4

(7、9至11月 Jul, Sep to Nov) 本港多月氣溫較正常高,其中七月平均溫度達 30.3 度,成為有記錄以來最熱的月份。7 月 24 日的高溫 36.1 度及 9 月 13 日的 35.9 度是各自月份的紀錄高溫,而本年秋季 (九至十一月) 亦是有記錄以來最暖。

Temperatures in HK were higher than normal in most months. With a mean temperature of 30.3 degrees, this July was the hottest month on record. The temperatures of 36.1 degrees on July 24 and 35.9 degrees on September 13 broke the record highs in the respective months, and this autumn (September to November) was also the warmest on record.

Relevant link(s): HKO monthly weather summary: July; September; November

45 50.6

(4月 Apr) 本月是有記錄以來最少雨的四月,整月雨量只得 3.5 毫米。4 月 8 日天文台錄得百分之 22 的相對濕度,是自 1984 年設置自動氣象站以來四月份的最低紀錄。

Only 3.5 mm of rain was received during the month, the lowest on record for April. The relative humidity at the Observatory dropped to 22% on April 8, the lowest on record in April since the automatic weather station was established in 1984.

34 38.2

(3月14日 Mar 14) 廣東惠州對開海域發生 4.1 級地震,天文台接獲逾萬名市民報告有感,烈度為修訂麥加利地震烈度表的第四度。

A magnitude 4.1 earthquake occurred off the seas of Huizhou, Guangdong. The Observatory received more than 10,000 reports of felt tremor. The estimated intensity of the quake was IV (four) on the Modified Mercalli scale.

32 36.0

(5月2日 May 2) 受季候風影響,天文台錄得氣溫 16.4 度,是自 1917 年來五月份的最低紀錄,而當日平均氣溫 18.5 度亦打破五月份日平均氣溫最低紀錄。

Affected by the monsoon, the Observatory's temperature dropped to 16.4 degrees, the lowest in May since 1917. The mean temperature of 18.5 degrees that day was also the lowest in May.

32 36.0

(2月21日 Feb 21) 受強烈季候風及持續降雨影響,天文台氣溫跌至 7.5 度,是本年的最低溫度,當天雨量超過 40 毫米。

Due to an intense monsoon and persistent rain, the Observatory recorded a temperature of 7.5 degrees, the lowest this year. More than 40 mm of rain was received that day.

29 32.6

(5月11-13日 May 11-13) 一道低壓槽於廣東沿岸徘徊,三天內本港普遍錄得超過 300 毫米雨量,而珠海、廣州、澳門等地更提早宣佈 5 月 11 日停課一天。

More than 300 mm of rain was recorded in most parts of the territory due to a trough that lingered in the Guangdong coast. Neighbouring cities such as Zhuhai, Guangzhou and Macau even announced class suspensions on May 11 the day before.

28 31.5

(8月24-25日 Aug 24-25) 颱風馬鞍於香港約 190 公里外掠過,八號烈風或暴風信號再度發出。該信號於 25 日上午 9 時許取消,部分市民批評信號取消時間尷尬。

Typhoon Ma-on passed at a distance of 190 km from Hong Kong, necessitating the #8 Gale or Storm Signal again. The #8 Signal was cancelled after 9 am on August 25; some citizens complained about the awkward timing.

23 25.8

(9月18日 Sep 18) 高溫觸發強對流活動,下午香港東及西北部有狂風雷暴及大驟雨,西貢白沙洲對開有獨木舟翻艇,一人不治。當天下午台灣發生地震,天文台接獲香港市民報告有感。

Convective activities induced by the heat triggered squally showers in eastern and northwestern parts of Hong Kong in the afternoon. Several canoes capsized near Pak Sha Chau in Sai Kung; one person was killed. An earthquake occurred in Taiwan that afternoon and was felt in Hong Kong.

7 7.9

Events nominated for the Greater China and Global region 大中華及國際組別候選事件

# of votes

(12月 Dec) 北半球多地受寒流侵襲。英國在月中的寒潮期間錄得逾 10 年來的最低溫度;下旬日本連日大雪,多地降雪量破紀錄;北極寒流亦南下至美加,美國多地經歷近 40 年來最冷聖誕,數十人於暴風雪中死亡。

Cold waves hit multiple regions in the Northern Hemisphere. The UK recorded the lowest temperatures in more than 10 years during the cold spell in mid-December. Heavy snow in Japan later in the month broke many local snowfall records. The US and Canada were also hit by an arctic blast. Parts of the US experienced the coldest Christmas in nearly 40 years; dozens were killed in the blizzard.

60 67.4

(1月15日 Jan 15) 湯加海底火山爆發,並造成海嘯。這次是自 1991 年菲律賓皮納土波火山爆發以來最猛烈的一次,其所造成的噴發柱及衝擊波被現代儀器清晰記錄。

The submarine volcano at Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai erupted, producing a tsunami. This was regarded as the most intense volcanic eruption since the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. The eruption column and shockwave were clearly captured by modern equipment.

Relevant link(s): Wikipedia article

59 66.3

(7月 Jul) 歐洲廣泛地區出現熱浪,西班牙、法國甚至英國等地錄得超過 40 度高溫,而葡萄牙的阿利若更於 7 月 14 日錄得氣溫達 47 度。

A heatwave swept through most of Europe, with temperatures reaching 40 degrees in countries such as Spain, France and even the UK. A temperature of 47 degrees was recorded at Pinhão, Portugal on July 14.

Relevant link(s): Wikipedia article

48 53.9

(6月25日 Jun 25) 由於高壓脊長期盤據,日本多地酷熱,東京市創下最早「猛暑日」的紀錄。群馬縣伊勢崎市錄得氣溫 40.2 度,是該國首次於六月出現逾 40 度高溫。

A persistent high-pressure ridge resulted in very hot weather over Japan. Tokyo experienced the earliest "extremely hot day" on record. The temperature of 40.2 degrees in Isesaki, Gunma Prefecture was the highest ever recorded in Japan in the month of June.

40 44.9

(8月8日 Aug 8) 韓國首都圈出現 80 年來最高降雨量,江南地區水災尤為嚴重,眾多地下室住宅被淹沒,暴雨共造成 14 人死亡。

The South Korean capital experienced the highest rainfall in 80 years. Floods were especially serious in the Gangnam District, with many underground residence units submerged. 14 people lost their lives in the event.

30 33.7

(9月底 Late Sep) 轉化為溫帶氣旋的颶風 Fiona 於 9 月 24 日登陸加拿大諾華斯高沙省,是該國有記錄以來最猛烈的熱帶及溫帶氣旋。數天後,颶風 Ian 登陸美國佛羅里達州,該州共 146 人死亡。

After transforming into an extratropical cyclone, Hurricane Fiona made landfall in Nova Scotia, Canada and became the strongest cyclone to hit the country on record. A few days later, Hurricane Ian impacted Florida, US and claimed 146 lives there.

30 33.7

(自6月起 Since Jun) 巴基斯坦因季候風引發大雨較正常旺盛,加上山區冰川融化,自六月起全國四分之三地區出現洪災,截至十月已造成超過 1,700 人死亡。

Heavier-than-usual monsoon rains and melting glaciers caused extensive floods in Pakistan, affecting three-quarters of the country. More than 1,700 deaths were registered as of October.

18 20.2

(11月29日 Nov 29) 中國的神舟十五號載人飛船升空,航天員於 12 月 2 日在天宮太空站與神舟十四號乘組進行交接儀式,中國太空站實現長期有人駐留模式。

The Chinese Shenzhou 15 spacecraft was launched. The crew made the country's first ever in-orbit crew handover in the Tiangong space station on December 2.

15 16.9

(4月10-12日 Apr 10-12) 熱帶風暴鮎魚在菲律賓中部徘徊,大雨及洪水造成當地 214 人死亡,132 人失蹤。

Tropical storm Megi lingered around central Philippines. Heavy rain and flooding resulted in 214 deaths, and another 132 went missing.

8 9.0

(6月22日 Jun 22) 阿富汗東部發生 6.2 級地震,造成超過 1,100 人死亡,是該國自 1998 年以來死亡人數最多的地震。

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck eastern Afghanistan, killing more than 1,100. It was the deadliest earthquake in the country since 1998.

8 9.0

Other events 其他事件

# of votes

(12月17日 Dec 17) 受強烈東北季候風影響,本港部分地區吹烈風,位處高地的大老山間中吹暴風,陣風更達颶風水平。

Affected by a strong surge of northeast monsoon, gale force winds were observed in parts of Hong Kong. Winds at Tate's Cairn, an elevated station, reached storm force occasionally, with gusts even reaching hurricane force.


(2月 Feb) 澳洲昆士蘭州東南部發生該國史上其中一次最嚴重的洪災,造成超過 20 人死亡。

South East Queensland, Australia experienced one of the most serious floods in the nation's history, leading to the deaths of more than 20 people.


(11月8日 Nov 8) 一次月全食發生並於亞洲、大洋洲及北美洲等地可見,而月食期間罕有地同時出現「月掩天王星」現象。受雲層影響,當天香港未能看到月食。

A total lunar eclipse was visible in Asia, Oceania and North America. A rare event, the lunar occultation of Uranus, happened during the eclipse. However, the eclipse was not visible in Hong Kong due to the cloud cover.


(12月31日 Dec 31) 由於氣溫較預測低並跌至 12 度水平,天文台於早上 6 時 05 分才發出寒冷天氣警告,至上午 11 時 45 分取消,歷時 5 小時 40 分是有記錄以來最短的一次。

As the temperature was lower than expected and dropped to about 12 degrees, the Observatory issued the Cold Weather Warning at 6:05 am. The Warning was cancelled at 11:45 am; with a duration of just 5 hours 40 minutes, this was the shortest such Warning since records began.


Notes 備註 :

1Excluding votes in "Others" category. 不包括 "其他" 一欄的事件。
2Percentage of total voters. 佔總投票人數的百分比。
3Wordings may be changed to facilitate reading, but the meaning stays the same. Invalid statements, statements whose validity is unknown and those not interpretable are indicated with a question mark. 為方便閱讀,字眼稍作更改,但意義不變。不正確 / 準確度不明 / 未能理解的描述以問號標示。

Acknowledgement 鳴謝

We would like to thank HKSON for creating the banner used in the election this year, and the following websites for participating in the election by including a link to the voting page:

本年選舉所用橫幅由 HKSON 製作,本站謹此致謝。本站亦感謝以下網站於選舉期內加入投票頁的超連結:

Last Accessed 最近訪問日期: Thu Apr 18 2024 10:46:24 HKT
Last Modified 最近修訂日期: Sun Jan 21 2024