Using the following utility, you can calculate how a particular eclipse will look like for a particular place on Earth. 利用這個計算機,你可以知道地球上某一點所見的日食情況。
Notes 備註:
Positive and negative latitudes represent north and south of equator respectively, while positive and negative longitudes are for locations east and west of the prime meridian respectively. 正經/緯度表示東經和北緯,而負經/緯度則表示西經和南緯。
Please limit your elevation input to 50,000 or below, or otherwise accuracy of output cannot be guaranteed. 請限制高度至海拔 50,000 米或以下,否則計算結果未必準確。
For places behind GMT, please enter a negative time offset. Also note that the "time zone" input cell is for the standard time of your location; if daylight saving time is in force on eclipse date, click the "yes" radio button instead of manually adding 1 to the time zone offset. 如你所在地區的時間比格林尼治時間慢的話,請於時間差一格中輸入負數。如你的地區於日食當天正實行日光節約時間,請於 "於日食當天有沒有實行日光節約時間 ?" 一欄中剔選 "有",而盡量不要於時間差一格中自行調整,以免造成混亂。
Please enable pop-up windows to use the "select location" and "unit conversion" utilities. 請解封彈出式視窗以使用 "選擇地點" 和 "單位轉換" 之功能。
(About the results) Do not confuse "Magnitude" and "Obscuration" - their definitions are given in our eclipse glossary. For total eclipses, the magnitude is defined as the ratio of lunar (angular) diameter to solar (angular) diameter. (關於所得結果) 請不要混淆 "食分" 和 "覆蓋面積比" - 可參閱我們的日月食術語頁以得知它們的定義。在日全食中,食分為月球的視直徑和太陽的視直徑之比例。
(About the results) "Central" phase refers to either total or annular phase. (關於所得結果) "中心食" 指的是全食或環食。
"Zenith Position Angle" refers to the direction that the line from the centre of the Sun to the centre of the Moon points to, with respect to the zenith (i.e. the "top" of the solar disk for the observer. This direction is measured in an anticlockwise manner, just like that presented in a star map. The point of contact just at the start and the end of the total phase (NOT annular) is located at [Zenith Position Angle + 180 degrees], since the point of contact is in opposite direction to the line joining solar and lunar centres. "天頂方位角" 為由太陽中心畫出連接月球中心的直線所指的方向,其零度點為觀測者所望到的太陽的頂部。就像星圖那樣,這個角度是以逆時針方向量度的。在日全食剛開始和結束的一刻,太陽與月球圓盤的內切點為 [天頂方位角 + 180度];這是因為 "由太陽中心畫出連接月球中心的直線" 正好指向內切點的對面。
In common usage, UTC is roughly the same as GMT. 在一般普通用法,UTC 和 GMT 大致相等。
The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2007 by Nautical Almanac Office, United States Naval Observatory & Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, Royal Greenwich Observatory;