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Wind Speed Data for TCs that Have Affected Hong Kong 影響香港氣旋之風速數據

Active Tropical Cyclone(s) 正活躍之熱帶氣旋

Current TC Map 即時氣旋資訊Current TC information

Tropical Cyclone Report 熱帶氣旋報告

1. Tropical Depression GAEMI :: 熱帶低氣壓 格美

Basic System Profile :: 系統基本資料
Name and Classification of System :: 系統名稱和級別 JTWC Number :: JTWC 編號 Int'l Number :: 國際編號 Bulletin Number :: 發佈編號
Tropical Depression GAEMI :: 熱帶低氣壓 格美 05W 2403 8 [Final 最後發佈]
Time of Report :: 報告時間 Time of Observation :: 觀測時間 Position :: 位置
2024/07/27, 15:45 HKT (07:45 UTC) 2024/07/27, 14:00 HKT (06:00 UTC) 30.0°N, 115.5°E
Maximum Gusts :: 最高陣風 1-min. Average Winds :: 一分鐘平均風速 10-min. Average Winds :: 十分鐘平均風速
40 knots 節 (74 km/h 公里每小時) 30 knots 節 (56 km/h 公里每小時) 25 knots 節 (46 km/h 公里每小時)
SL Pressure :: 海平面氣壓 Past 6-hr Movement :: 過去六小時移動趨勢 Area(s) Currently Affected :: 現時影響地區
996 hPa 百帕斯卡 NW 西北 (313°)
6 knots 節 (11 km/h 公里每小時)
Hubei 湖北
Tropical Cyclone Classification Scale :: 熱帶氣旋分級
Satellite and Analysis Images :: 衛星雲圖及分析圖
Satellite image (1)
衛星雲圖 (1)
Satellite image (2)
衛星雲圖 (2)
Satellite image (3)
衛星雲圖 (3)
500mb Geopotn. Hgt.
500 百帕位勢高度
Steering Flow
Vertical Wind Shear
HKWW Forecast Track and Intensities :: 本站預測路徑及強度

HK Time
1-min Average Strength
Distance/Bearing from HK
t+007/27 (Sat) 14:0030.0°N115.5°ENW 西北 (312°) 14 km/h30 kt (56 km/h)TD 熱帶低氣壓N 北 866 km
t+1207/28 (Sun) 02:0031.0°N114.2°ENNW 西北偏北 (327°) 10 km/h25 kt (46 km/h)TD 熱帶低氣壓N 北 967 km
t+2407/28 (Sun) 14:0031.9°N113.5°EN/A20 kt (37 km/h)LPA 低壓區N 北 1069 km
System Description and Analysis :: 系統描述和分析
System Overview :: 系統總覽

GAEMI is making its way into Hubei and has weakened into a tropical depression. At 2 pm, GAEMI was centred about 130 kilometres (70 nautical miles) east-southeast of Wuhan.

格美深入湖北,並減弱為熱帶低氣壓。在下午 2 時,格美集結於武漢之東南偏東約 130 公里 (70 海里)。
Tropical Cyclone Naming :: 氣旋命名

GAEMI is the eleventh name in the tropical cyclone name list. It was contributed by South Korea, meaning ant. This name was used four times previously.

格美為熱帶氣旋名稱列表中第 11 個名字,由南韓提供,意思為螞蟻。此前該名曾被使用四次。
Track Analysis :: 路徑分析

GAEMI is expected to move northwest to north-northwest in the next 24 hours and cross Hubei province.

預料格美將於未來 24 小時向西北至西北偏北移動,橫過湖北省。
Intensity Analysis :: 強度分析

GAEMI's convections are getting thinner and its low-level circulation centre is becoming more difficult to locate. The storm will continue to weaken on land, and likely into an area of low pressure in the next 24 to 36 hours.

格美的對流逐漸轉薄,其低層環流中心開始變得較難辨認。風暴將繼續於內陸減弱,預料於 24 至 36 小時後減弱為低壓區。
Effects on Hong Kong :: 對香港的影響

No threat to Hong Kong is expected within the next 72 hours.

預料此系統於未來的 72 小時將不會對香港構成影響。
Next Update Expected :: 預計下次更新

This is the final bulletin for GAEMI.

Forecast Tracks Issued by Official Agencies :: 官方氣象台預測路徑
JTWC 聯合颱風警報中心 JMA 日本氣象廳 HKO 香港天文台 Multi-Agency 多個氣象台
Statistical Model-Based TC Signal Probabilities :: 基於統計模型之熱帶氣旋警告信號機率
N/A 不適用

Past Bulletins (click on the bulletin no. for the contents) 過往報告 (請按發佈編號顯示內容)

Last Accessed 最近訪問日期: Sat Jul 27 2024 18:05:31 HKT
Last Modified 最近修訂日期: Mon Jul 24 2023