TC Watch > Tracks from All Agencies [Refresh] [中文]

Tracks from All Agencies

The following shows the TC forecast tracks (if any) from some non-governmental meteorological sites (partner site: Pacific Tropical Cyclone Centre).

Storm Name: GAEMI [Plain Text Data]

Update History

Date/Time Event
2017/03/19 22:40 Welcome HKMTWC, HKVWW and HM315 as our new track map forecasters!
2017/03/15 11:50 Applications are now closed. Thank you for your support. We will review the applications received; successful applicants will be notified individually.
2017/02/27 21:30

Applications as forecast track issuing agency are open again. The application form is available on this page.

2011/08/17 01:30 Welcome WIS, Marco, CHT and MTW as our new track map forecasters!
2011/08/02 02:10 Applications are now closed. Thank you for your support.
2011/07/19 13:00 Applications for this TC track map is open again. Details can be found on this page.
2009/08/17 13:00 As the track map becomes crowded, we will not accept new agencies from now on until further notice. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
2009/07/11 00:00 Welcome Kutar Train as our new track map forecaster!
2009/06/18 01:00 Welcome Kel as our new track map forecaster!
2009/06/18 01:00 Applications for this TC track map is open again, but acceptance is subject to availability.
2009/06/18 01:00 Probability circles are removed due to unsatisfactory beta stage testing performance.
2008/08/14 20:30 As the track map becomes crowded, we will not accept new agencies from now on until further notice. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
2008/08/14 20:30 Welcome MWOM as our track map agency!
2008/07/11 23:00 Welcome MFS and SWS as our track map agencies!
2008/05/09 12:30 Fixed a bug that overestimates the radius of probability circles.
2008/05/08 18:00 "Elite" has his name changed to "Lorenzo".
2008/05/08 18:00 Announcement: "Track probability circles" only indicate probabilities of at most 72 hours from the time the map is drawn.
2008/05/07 18:00 Welcome NLO as one of the track map agencies!

Last Accessed: Sat Jul 27 2024 18:32:30 HKT
Last Modified: Mon Jul 24 2023