Other Info > Partner Sites [Refresh] [中文]

Current Partner Sites



  1. The above icons link to third-party sites. Hong Kong Weather Watch has no control over and is not responsible for the contents there.
  2. We update the list of partner sites from time to time in order to include new partner sites and remove links that are no longer valid or point to inactive sites.
  3. There is no particular ordering in the list of partner sites.
Want to Become our Partner?

If you want to become a partner site of Hong Kong Weather Watch, please contact us at the following email address: hkwwinfo@gmail.com. Upon approval (you will receive an email message), please put our site logo (88 x 31 pixels) onto your webpage by inserting the following script:

Logo Preview: Hong Kong Weather Watch 香港天氣觀測站

Last Accessed: Sat Jul 27 2024 18:26:36 HKT
Last Modified: Fri Jul 28 2023