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About Us

Established on August 15, 2007, Hong Kong Weather Watch (HKWW) is a non-governmental meteorological interest site which integrates information from many official sources and presents it in an easily interpreted way for users' reference. As of November 2018, the site can be divided into five parts:

Our site mainly covers weather information about Hong Kong, with the exception of 1) Tropical Cyclone Watch in which related information is provided whenever there are tropical cyclones in the Northwest Pacific Ocean (The part of Pacific Ocean west of 180 degrees longitude, North of the equator), and 2) Part of Astronomical Information which is provided globally. Part D focuses on activities held by HKWW or those that HKWW participates in, and Part E contains other useful meteorological weblinks and information about HKWW.

Most of the contents in Hong Kong Weather Watch are updated automatically, while tropical cyclone reports are normally updated once per day manually except at times when the tropical cyclone(s) concerned is/are posing a direct threat to Hong Kong.

Our official Facebook page can be accessed via the link https://www.facebook.com/hkww.org/. Posts there are normally written in Chinese.

Should you have any enquiries, comments or suggestions, please email them to hkwwinfo@gmail.com or leave us a message via Facebook. Your valuable comments are vital to our successful development.

About the Webmaster

Name: David
Email address: hkwwinfo@gmail.com
Interests: Meteorology, programming, watching soccer games, math/statistics and related disciplines

Development History

Date Event

The trial version of statistical model-based 6-hourly tropical cyclone signal issuance, cancellation and in force probabilities is added to tropical cyclone bulletins for storms that may affect Hong Kong.


Created our Facebook page.


A "9-day weather forecast sticker" is added.


More maps are added to "South China Weather Plots".


"South China Weather Plots" (Beta version) is now launched.


"TC Finder" is now launched.


The 128-km-range radar image is added.


Added a page on "Air Pollution Levels".


Added a page on "Official TC Track Info".


Reviews in Chinese are now available in "Selected TC Review".


Added pages on "Eclipse Q&A", "Eclipse Glossary", "Solar/Lunar Eclipse Dates and Numbers" and "Eclipse Calculator".


Rainfall nowcast images and more isohyet charts are added in the "Rainfall" page.


"Rainfall distribution & RADAR image" is added in "Warning(s) in Force" column on the mainpage, which will be activated whenever the thunderstorm warning / rainstorm warning signal / Special Announcement on Flooding in the Northern New Territories is/are in force.


"Air Pollution Index" column is added on the main page.


"Earthquake Information" column is added on the main page. This column shows information on significant seismic activities in the past 24 hours.


Added a page on TC names.


"Typhoon mode" system is implemented to reduce the load of the main server during passage of tropical cyclones.


A page on "QuikSCAT images" is added.


A page on "Tropical Cyclone Strike Probability" is added.


A map on "Weather Conditions in South China Sea" is added.


Added a new section on "Selected TC Review".

2008/04/12 New layout for HKWW
2008/03/23 Added "Solar Information for Major Cities".
2008/03/06 A "Moon Phase Diagram" is added in "Astronomical / Tidal Information" column.
2008/01/30 A list of very cold/cold/very hot areas is provided at "Warning(s) in Force" section.
2008/01/19 Added a page on "World Clock".
2007/10/14 Added a tracking map that shows all non-governmental agencies' forecasts.
2007/10/08 Added a page on "Past Weather".
2007/10/01 Hong Kong Weather Watch adopts a new TC report policy.
2007/08/27 The Hong Kong Weather Watch Forum is now officially open to the public.
2007/08/21 The Chinese version of Hong Kong Weather Watch is completed.
2007/08/15 Hong Kong Weather Watch is now officially open to the public.
2007/08/14 Permission is granted by the Hong Kong Observatory for the reproduction of weather information in this site.
2007/06/17 Site construction begins

Past Messages

2022 - Now
Date Message
2025/01/12 17:40

The voting period of the "Hong Kong Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2024" election has ended - thank you for your support! The results of the election are now available here (in Chinese only).

「2024 年香港天文、地理及氣象大事選舉」已結束,感謝你的支持!選舉結果已於此頁公佈,是次選舉投票人數為 226,首三位如下:

  • 第一位:(11月) 西北太平洋自 1951 年有記錄以來首次於 11 月同時出現四個已命名風暴,其中三個影響本港;得票 209 (92.5%)
  • 第二位:(6月28日及9月28日) 維港及附近海域兩度出現水龍捲,其中一次於紅磡對出海面出現並靠岸;得票 154 (68.1%)
  • 第三位:(9月) 熱帶氣旋摩羯成為有紀錄以來南海內第二強的熱帶氣旋,天文台發出八號信號;得票 127 (56.2%)
2024/11/25 14:30

The preliminary version of the review reports for tropical cyclones YINXING, TORAJI and MAN-YI, which affected Hong Kong in November, are now available here.


2024/11/08 18:00

The preliminary version of the review report for tropical cyclone TRAMI, which affected Hong Kong last month, is now available here.


2024/09/15 11:40

The preliminary version of the review report for tropical cyclone YAGI, which affected Hong Kong earlier this month, is now available here.


2024/07/28 17:25

The first version of the review report for tropical cyclone PRAPIROON is now available here.


2024/06/06 11:10

The review report for tropical cyclone MALIKSI, which affected Hong Kong last week, is now available here.


2024/01/21 13:30

The "Hong Kong Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2023" election has concluded. Thank you for your support. A total of 316 votes were received this year, and the top three events are listed below:

  • Rank #1: (Sep) A low pressure trough associated with the remnants of tropical cyclone HAIKUI produced record-breaking rainfall (304 votes; 96.2%)
  • Rank #2: (Sep) Super Typhoon SAOLA necessitated the #10 Hurricane Signal in Hong Kong (251 votes; 79.4%)
  • Rank #3: (Oct) Severe Typhoon KOINU approached southern China, necessitating the #9 Increasing Gale or Storm Signal and the Black Rainstorm Warning (250 votes; 79.1%)
Please click here for the rest of the results.

2023 年香港天文、地理及氣象大事選舉」已圓滿結束,多謝各位支持。是次投票人數為 316,結果首三位如下:

  • 第一位:(9 月) 與熱帶氣旋海葵殘餘相關的低壓槽持續影響香港並帶來破紀錄雨量;得票 304 (96.2%)
  • 第二位:(9 月) 超強颱風蘇拉橫過南海北部並趨向珠江口,十號颶風信號生效;得票 251 (79.4%)
  • 第三位:(10 月) 強颱風小犬靠近華南,九號烈風或暴風風力增強信號、黑色暴雨警告生效;得票 250 (79.1%)
2023/10/28 01:35

A partial lunar eclipse will take place in the small hours of October 29 (Sunday), Hong Kong Time. Weather permitting, the event will be visible in Hong Kong. For more information about the eclipse and links to live webcast sites, please visit our page on the "Partial Lunar Eclipse of October 29th, 2023". An eclipse animation is available here.

10 月 29 日 (日) 香港時間凌晨將出現一次月偏食。如天氣許可,過程將於香港可見。有關是次月食的資料及網上直播連結,請參閱本站的 "2023 年 10 月 29 日之月偏食" 專頁,亦另有動畫預覽可供瀏覽。

2023/10/23 22:15

The review report for tropical cyclone KOINU, which affected Hong Kong earlier this month, is now available here.


2023/09/26 21:20

The review reports for tropical cyclones SAOLA and HAIKUI, which affected Hong Kong earlier this month, are now available here.


2023/08/14 15:00

The preliminary review report of tropical cyclone DOKSURI, which affected Hong Kong earlier, is now available.


2023/07/24 22:15

The preliminary review report of tropical cyclone TALIM, which affected Hong Kong last week, is now available.


2023/07/24 22:15

Most of our site's functionalities have resumed. If you find any pages that are not displaying properly, please let us know via email (hkwwinfo@gmail.com) or the messaging function at our Facebook page.

網站大部分功能已經修復。如發現任何未能正常顯示的頁面,請以電郵 (hkwwinfo@gmail.com) 或本站 Facebook 頁的信息功能聯絡我們。

2023/05/21 12:50

Our policy on tropical cyclone report issuance is updated as follows, with immediate effect:

  • A full report is issued for tropical cyclones within the region bounded by 10-30°N, 100-135°E. The content of a full report is the same as the regular reports issued previously.
  • A brief report is issued for tropical cyclones within the region bounded by 0-50°N, 100-180°E but outside the above region. A brief report contains information and a synopsis of the tropical cyclone, together with relevant images.
We appreciate your understanding in this matter, and thank you for your continued support.


  • 當熱帶氣旋位於北緯 10 至 30 度、東經 100 至 135 度時,本網會作完整發佈,其所包含之內容與以往相同。
  • 當熱帶氣旋位於上述範圍以外,但仍於北緯 0 至 50 度、東經 100 至 180 度之內時,本網會作簡短發佈,內容包括氣旋資料、發展概述及相關圖片。
2023/04/19 11:45

A rare hybrid solar eclipse will occur tomorrow (April 20, Thu). In Hong Kong, there will be a partial solar eclipse of a very small magnitude just after midday. A hybrid eclipse only happens when the sun and the moon appears almost exactly the same size on Earth. For more details on this eclipse and links to live webcast sites, please visit our page on "Hybrid Solar Eclipse of April 20th, 2023". An eclipse animation is available here.

明天 (4 月 20 日、星期四) 將出現一次罕見的日全環食,當天中午過後香港會出現一次食分極低的日偏食。日全環食只會於太陽及月球看起來大小幾乎一樣時才可能發生。有關是次日食的資料及網上直播站點,請參閱本站的 "2023 年 4 月 20 日之全環食" 專頁,亦另有 動畫預覽 可供瀏覽。

2023/01/11 19:40

The results of our "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2022" election are now available - thank you for your support! The first three events for each category are as follows:

Hong Kong region

  • 1st: (Nov) Cyclone Nalgae approached the Pearl River Estuary, necessitating the first #8 Signal in November in 50 years (81 votes; 91%)
  • 2nd: (Jul) Cyclone Chaba crossed the South China Sea; the #8 Signal was issued on the HKSAR Establishment Day for the first time (52 votes; 58%)
  • 3rd: (Jul, Sep to Nov) Record-breaking temperatures in July; warmest autumn (Sep to Nov) on record (45 votes; 51%)

Greater China and Global region

  • 1st: (Dec) Many places in the Northern Hemisphere experienced a cold wave (60 votes; 67%)
  • 2nd: (Jan) A submarine volcano in Tonga erupted, resulting in a tsunami (59 votes; 66%)
  • 3rd: (Jul) A heat wave affected much of Europe (48 votes; 54%)
There were 89 voters in this year's election.

2022 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉」結果已經公佈,多謝各位參與!投票結果首三位如下:


  • 第一位:(11 月) 氣旋尼格靠近珠江口並令八號信號 50 年來首次於十一月發出 (81 票; 91%)
  • 第二位:(7 月) 氣旋暹芭橫過南海,八號信號首次於特區成立紀念日發出 (52 票; 58%)
  • 第三位:(7、9 至 11 月) 七月平均氣溫破紀錄,九至十一月成最暖秋季 (45 票; 51%)


  • 第一位:(12 月) 北半球多地受寒潮影響 (60 票; 67%)
  • 第二位:(1 月) 湯加海底火山爆發並造成海嘯 (59 票; 66%)
  • 第三位:(7 月) 歐洲廣泛地區出現熱浪 (48 票; 54%)
是次選舉共有 89 人投票。
2022/11/19 11:00

The preliminary review report of tropical cyclone NALGAE, which scored a direct hit earlier this month, is also available now. You can find the report on this page.


2022/11/13 11:30

The preliminary review report of tropical cyclone NESAT, which affected Hong Kong in mid-October, is now available here.


2022/11/06 22:30

A total lunar eclipse will occur in the evening of November 8 (Tue). Weather permitting, the total phase of the eclipse will be visible in Hong Kong. For more information about this eclipse and links to live webcast sites, please visit our dedicated page on "Total Lunar Eclipse of November 8th, 2022". An eclipse animation is also available.

本年 11 月 8 日 (星期二) 傍晚將出現一次月全食,如天氣許可,全食過程於香港可見。有關是次月食的詳情及直播站點連結,可參閱本站之「2022 年 11 月 8 日之月全食」專頁。本站亦提供是次月食之動畫預覽

2022/09/04 00:50

The preliminary review reports of tropical cyclones MA-ON, MULAN and 08W are now available here. The report for CHABA has been updated.

曾影響香港的熱帶氣旋馬鞍、木蘭及 08W,其回顧報告初版已於此頁發佈,而熱帶氣旋暹芭的報告亦已更新,歡迎瀏覽。

2022/07/13 12:05

The preliminary review report for tropical cyclone CHABA, which affected Hong Kong earlier this month, is now available here.


2022/01/17 20:00

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2021" election has concluded. Thank you for your support. A total of 127 votes were received this year, and the top three events are listed below:

  • Rank #1: (Oct) Cyclones Lionrock and Kompasu affected Hong Kong in quick succession; the #8 Signal was issued twice and the daily rainfall record for October was broken (122 votes; 96.06%)
  • Rank #2: (Dec) Cyclone Rai moved north in the South China Sea after crossing the Philippines; the #1 Signal was in force on winter solstice (118 votes; 92.91%)
  • Rank #3: (Jan) A cold surge affected Hong Kong with the temperature at the Observatory dropping to 7.7 degrees. Ta Kwu Ling saw a minimum temperature of -0.9 degrees several days later, breaking the record for the station. (79 votes; 62.20%)
Please click here for the rest of the results.

2021 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉」已圓滿結束,多謝各位支持。是次投票人數為 127,結果首三位如下:
  • 第一位:(10 月) 氣旋獅子山及圓規接連影響香港,需要發出八號信號,單日雨量破該月紀錄;得票 122 (96.06%)
  • 第二位:(12 月) 氣旋雷伊橫過菲律賓後於南海北上,冬至日一號信號生效;得票 118 (92.91%)
  • 第三位:(1 月) 寒潮襲港,天文台氣溫跌至 7.7 度,其後打鼓嶺低溫 -0.9 度破該站紀錄;得票 79 (62.20%)
2022/01/11 17:00

The preliminary version of the review report for tropical cyclone RAI, which affected Hong Kong on the day of winter solstice, is available on this page.


2022/01/08 01:10

The final version of the review report for tropical cyclone LIONROCK, which affected Hong Kong last October, is available on this page.

去年 10 月影響本港的熱帶氣旋獅子山,其回顧報告最終版已上載至此頁,歡迎瀏覽。

2019 - 2021
Date Message
2021/11/16 01:00

A partial eclipse of the Moon will take place this Friday (November 19) evening, Hong Kong time. More details of the eclipse and links to live webcast sites are available at our page on the Partial Lunar Eclipse of November 19th, 2021. A lunar eclipse animation is also available.

香港將於本周五 (11 月 19 日) 傍晚時份出現一次月偏食,月食詳情及直播站點連結載於本網的 2021 年 11 月 19 日 月偏食專頁,亦可瀏覽動畫預覽

2021/10/30 15:45

The initial draft of the tropical cyclone review reports for LIONROCK and KOMPASU, which affected Hong Kong earlier this month, is now available at this page.


2021/08/19 18:45

The preliminary review report for tropical cyclone LUPIT is now available on this page.


2021/08/02 16:05

The preliminary review report for tropical cyclone CEMPAKA is now available on this page.


2021/07/16 14:25

The preliminary review report for tropical cyclones 07W and 08W, which affected southern China earlier this month, is now available on this page.

早前影響華南的熱帶氣旋 07W 及 08W,其回顧報告初版已上載至此頁,歡迎瀏覽。

2021/07/08 13:35

Our site's hosting provider updated its servers earlier today. After the update, our site was briefly inaccessible; we have now resolved the problem. However, because of the upgrade, some of our scripts written using the PHP language may not function normally. If that happens, please let us know by sending an email to hkwwinfo@gmail.com. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

本網的網頁寄存公司於今天凌晨更新伺服器,更新後本網曾經無法進入,現時服務已經恢復正常。由於伺服器軟件有所更新,本網部分使用 PHP 語言編寫的檔案或未能正常運作。如發現此等情況,請發送電郵至 hkwwinfo@gmail.com。不便之處,敬請原諒。

2021/06/14 14:50

The preliminary version of the review report for tropical cyclone KOGUMA, which affected Hong Kong several days ago, is now available.


2021/05/26 14:15

A total lunar eclipse will take place tonight. The partial phase of the eclipse begins at 17:44 HKT, but it will only be visible in Hong Kong after moonrise at 18:56. For more details on the eclipse and links to live webcast sites, please visit our page on the Total Lunar Eclipse of May 26th, 2021. An eclipse animation is also available.

今晚將出現一次月全食,偏食階段於香港時間 17:44 開始,但香港於 18:56 月出後才可見。月食詳情及直播站點連結請參閱本網的 2021 年 5 月 26 日 月全食專頁動畫預覽

2021/01/16 11:30

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2020" election has concluded. Thank you for your support. A total of 141 votes were received this year, and the top three events are listed below:

  • Rank #1: Tropical cyclone Higos impacted the Pearl River Estuary, leading to the issuance of the #9 and #10 Signal in Hong Kong and Macau, respectively (111 votes; 78.72%)
  • Rank #2: The minimum temperature of 8.1 degrees on 31/12 amid a cold surge was the lowest in the year (89 votes; 63.12%)
  • Rank #3: Tropical cyclone Nangka crossed the South China Sea, leading to the #8 Signal again in Hong Kong (86 votes; 60.99%)
Please click here for the rest of the results.

2020 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉」已圓滿結束,多謝各位支持。是次投票人數為 141,結果首三位如下:

  • 第一位:氣旋海高斯吹襲珠江口令香港及澳門分別發出九號及十號信號;得票 111 (78.72%)
  • 第二位:寒潮影響華南,12月31日的8.1度為本年最低;得票 89 (63.12%)
  • 第三位:氣旋浪卡橫過南海,香港再發八號信號;得票 86 (60.99%)
2020/10/31 14:40

The preliminary version of the review report for tropical cyclone SAUDEL is now available on this page.


2020/10/17 17:00

The preliminary version of the review report for tropical cyclone NANGKA is now available on this page.


2020/08/22 15:20

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of the 2010s" Election" has concluded - thank you for your support. The results are now available on this page.

2010 年代天文、地理及氣象大事選舉」投票期已結束,多謝各位支持,結果已於此頁公佈。

2020/08/21 19:20

The initial version of the tropical cyclone review reports for SINLAKU and HIGOS are now available here.


2020/07/30 12:30

The review report for tropical cyclone NURI has been uploaded to this page.


2020/06/18 10:50

An annular solar eclipse will take place in the afternoon of the coming Sunday (June 21), Hong Kong Time. The eclipse will be partial in Hong Kong with a large magnitude of 0.89, the highest among all visible eclipses in the next 50 years. For more details on this eclipse and links to live webcast sites, please visit our page on "Annular Solar Eclipse of June 21st, 2020". An eclipse animation is available here.

本周日 (21 日) 下午將出現一次日環食。如天氣許可,將可於香港看到食分達 0.89 的日偏食,是未來 50 年可見日食中最高。有關是次日食的資料及網上直播站點,請參閱本站的 "2020 年 6 月 21 日之日環食" 專頁,亦另有 動畫預覽 可供瀏覽。

2020/04/17 19:00

Our TC Finder page now includes information on tropical cyclones up to 2018.

本站之「熱帶氣旋尋找工具」頁資料已更新至涵蓋 2018 年影響本港之熱帶氣旋。

2020/01/16 14:15

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2019" has concluded. Thank you for your support. A total of 80 votes were received this year, and the top three events are listed below:

  • Rank #1: Cyclone WIPHA became the tropical cyclone farthest away from HK in decades to necessitate the #8 Signal (53 votes; 66.25%)
  • Rank #2: At 11.4 degrees, January 1 was the only cold day in 2019 (51 votes; 63.75%)
  • Rank #3: The winter of 2018-19 was the warmest on record in Hong Kong (49 votes; 61.25%)
Please click here for the ranking of other events.

2019 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉」已圓滿結束,多謝各位支持。是次投票人數為 80,結果首三位如下:

  • 第一位:氣旋韋帕成數十年來發出八號信號的熱帶風暴中最遠的一個;得票 53 (66.25%)
  • 第二位:1 月 1 日的 11.4 度為 2019 年唯一的寒冷日;得票 51 (63.75%)
  • 第三位:2018-19 冬季為香港有紀錄以來最暖;得票 49 (61.25%)
2019/12/24 18:25

An annular solar eclipse will take place in the afternoon of December 26 this year (Thursday), Hong Kong Time. The eclipse will be partial in Hong Kong, during which a maximum of around 35% of the solar surface will be obscured. The times of this eclipse as seen in Hong Kong are as follows: [link] For more details on this eclipse and links to live webcast sites, please visit our page on "Annular Solar Eclipse of December 26th, 2019". An eclipse animation is available here.

本年 12 月 26 日 (星期四) 香港時間下午將出現一次日環食,於香港可見偏食,食甚時太陽面積約 35% 將被食去。日食時間如下所示: [連結] 有關是次日食的資料及網上直播站點,請參閱本站的 "2019 年 12 月 26 日之日環食" 專頁,亦另有 動畫預覽 可供瀏覽。

2019/11/28 10:50

The HKO webpage was revamped today. Some of our links to pages on that site and features that rely on those pages may cease functioning. We are updating these pages and features gradually. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


2019/09/14 23:05

The review reports for tropical cyclones BAILU, PODUL and KAJIKI, which affected Hong Kong earlier, are now available on this page.


2019/08/11 11:35

The preliminary version of the review report for tropical cyclone WIPHA, which affected Hong Kong earlier, is now available on this page.


2019/07/16 18:45

A partial lunar eclipse will take place in the small hours tonight, and is visible in Hong Kong. More information on this eclipse and links to webcast sites can be found on our page on the "Partial Lunar Eclipse of July 17th, 2019".

本港將於今晚凌晨時份出現一次月偏食,有關月食詳情及直播站點連結,可參閱本站的 "2019 年 7 月 17 日之月偏食" 專頁。

2019/07/09 11:10

The preliminary version of the review report for tropical cyclone MUN which affected Hong Kong earlier is now available here.


2019/05/17 19:15

Our "Lunar Eclipse Dates and Numbers" page has been updated. This update includes information on lunar eclipses observable in Hong Kong between 2021 and 2050. Please visit the page here.

本網 "月食日期和數字" 頁已更新,新加入 2021 至 2050 年香港可見月食的資料,各位可到此查閱。

2019/01/18 21:50

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2018" has concluded. Thank you for your support. A total of 112 votes were received this year, and the top three events are listed below:

  • Rank #1: Impact of tropical cyclone MANGKHUT leading to worst damage in 35 years in Hong Kong (103 votes; 91.96%)
  • Rank #2: Persistent very hot weather without rainfall in mid- to late May (83 votes; 74.11%)
  • Rank #3: Impact of tropical cyclone JEBI in Japan and earthquake in Hokkaido two days later (66 votes; 58.93%)
Please click here for the ranking of other events.

2018 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉」圓滿結束,多謝各位支持。是次投票人數為 112,結果首三位如下:

  • 第一位:熱帶氣旋山竹襲港致 35 年來最嚴重風災;得票 103 (91.96%)
  • 第二位:五月中下旬持續酷熱無雨天氣;得票 83 (74.11%)
  • 第三位:熱帶氣旋飛燕襲日,北海道兩天後地震;得票 66 (58.93%)
2019/01/11 20:40

Following HKO's release of the tropical cyclone report for MANGKHUT, HKWW has updated our review report accordingly. Please click here to view. Some noticeable changes include the revision of the wind speeds at Cheung Chau and Sai Kung, with the latter revised to hurricane force level.


2016 - 2018
Date Message
2018/11/05 00:15

The preliminary version of the review report for tropical cyclone YUTU is now available here.

日前影響香港的熱帶氣旋玉兔,其回顧報告初版已上載於本網 「重要熱帶氣旋回顧」頁,歡迎瀏覽。

2018/09/30 12:20

The preliminary version of the review reports for tropical cyclones MANGKHUT and BARIJAT are now available on this page.


2018/01/16 22:20

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2017" election has concluded and the first three places are as follows:

  • 1st: [Aug 23] Super Typhoon Hato battered the Pearl River Estuary with Signal 10 in Hong Kong and Macau (113 votes; 93.39%)
  • 2nd: [Aug 27] Severe Tropical Storm Pakhar approached; winds at Cheung Chau neared the upper threshold for storm force winds (81 votes; 66.94%)
  • 3rd: [Jul 23] Tropical Storm Roke made landfall at Sai Kung East but local winds were weak (70 votes; 57.85%)
A complete listing is available in this page. Thank you for your support!

「2017 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉」已圓滿結束,多謝大家支持。投票總人數為 121,結果首三位如下:

  • 第一位:[8月23日] 超強颱風天鴿吹襲珠江口,港澳發十號信號,澳門有 10 人喪生。 (得票 113 / 93.39% / 113)
  • 第二位:[8月27日] 強烈熱帶風暴帕卡趨近,長洲持續風速接近暴風風力上限。 (得票 81 / 66.94%)
  • 第三位:[7月23日] 熱帶風暴洛克登陸西貢東,但本港風勢微弱。 (得票 70 / 57.85%)
2018/01/14 19:30

A total lunar eclipse will occur in the night of January 31 (Wed), and is visible in Hong Kong. Please visit our page on the eclipse for more information. A preview animation of the eclipse is available here.

1 月 31 日 (星期三) 晚將出現一次月全食,於香港可見。有關是次月食的資料,請參閱本站之「2018 年 1 月 31 日之月全食」專頁,或按此觀看月食預覽動畫。

2017/10/08 15:00

The review reports for tropical cyclones HATO, PAKHAR, MAWAR and 22W have been uploaded to this page.

熱帶氣旋天鴿帕卡瑪娃22W 的回顧報告已經上載至此頁,歡迎瀏覽。

2017/06/27 23:20

The review report of tropical cyclone MERBOK is now available in this page.


2017/05/21 12:15

The page "Northwest Pacific - ASCAT Image" has now been updated to reduce image loading time.

本網 「西北太平洋: ASCAT 風場圖」頁面已經更新,用家現能較快讀取相關風場掃描影像。

2017/04/30 00:10

Information for tropical cyclones that have affected Hong Kong up to the year 2015 is now available at our "TC Finder".

本站「熱帶氣旋尋找工具」已更新至 2015 年影響香港的熱帶氣旋資料,歡迎瀏覽。

2017/03/19 17:35

Review reports for tropical cyclones that affected Hong Kong during the year 2016 have been uploaded to this page. Due to limited resources and as information about historical tropical cyclones becomes more widely available on the internet, we will not be providing review reports for tropical cyclones that attained category 5 strength starting from 2016. The format of the reports for tropical cyclones that affected Hong Kong has also been modified. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

2016 年曾影響香港熱帶氣旋之回顧報告已上載於此頁,歡迎瀏覽。鑒於現時網上有關歷史熱帶氣旋的資訊已較豐富,加上本站資源所限,自 2016 年起我們不再為曾達五級超級颱風強度之熱帶氣旋編寫回顧,而影響香港熱帶氣旋之回顧報告格式亦有所改變。不便之處,敬請原諒。

2017/02/27 22:00

We are now accepting applications as forecast issuing agency of our "Tracks from All Agencies". Please visit this page for more details. The tentative application deadline is March 14, 2017.

本站「各站預測路徑圖」現正接受加入申請,詳情請參閱此頁。暫定截止申請日期為 2017 年 3 月 14 日。

2017/01/27 13:30

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2016" Election has concluded. Thank you for your support! A total of 116 votes were received; the top three events are as follows:

  • Rank #1: [Jan 24] An intense cold surge reached southern China; the air temperature at the HK Observatory dropped to 3.1 degrees (93.10%; 108 votes)
  • Rank #2: [Mid- to late October] Cyclones Sarika and Haima affected Hong Kong; the Black Rainstorm Warning and #8 Gale or Storm Signal were issued (80.17%; 93 votes)
  • Rank #3: [Jan 5] Rain associated with an upper-level disturbance necessitated the earliest Amber Rainstorm Warning (60.34%; 70 votes)
The full results are available on this page.

2016 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉已圓滿結束,多謝大家支持。投票總人數為 116,結果首三位如下:

  • 第一位:[1月24日] 強烈寒潮侵襲華南,天文台錄得最低溫度 3.1 度 (得票 93.10% / 108)
  • 第二位:[10月中下旬] 氣旋莎莉嘉及海馬來襲,天文台分別發出黑色暴雨警告及八號烈風或暴風信號 (得票 80.17% / 93)
  • 第三位:[1月5日] 受高空擾動影響,天文台發出歷來最早的黃色暴雨警告 (得票 60.34% / 70)
2016/08/27 14:00

The review reports for tropical cyclone MIRINAE and NIDA have been uploaded to this page.


2016/07/30 11:55

Starting from today, we will provide statistical model-based 6-hourly tropical cyclone signal issuance, cancellation and in force probabilities together with our tropical cyclone reports. This experimental feature allows users to estimate intervals in which tropical cyclone signal changes are more probable.

由即日起,本網提供使用統計模型估算之每六小時熱帶氣旋警告信號生效、發出及取消機率表 (試驗版),用家可利用此數據估計熱帶氣旋警告信號較有可能更替的時間。該列表將與今天較後時間發報的熱帶氣旋報告一同推出,敬請留意。

2016/06/21 12:10

The review report of tropical cyclone 01W is now available here.

熱帶氣旋 01W 的回顧報告已經上載至此頁,歡迎瀏覽。

2016/01/17 14:00

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2015" Election has concluded. Thank you for your support! Some results are as follows:

Number of votes: 115
Third place: Typhoon Linfa made landfall at eastern Guangdong (69 votes; 60.00%)
First place: Typhoon Soudelor hit Taiwan; record-breaking temperatures in Hong Kong (71 votes; 61.74%)
First place (tied): No TC Signals in HK during August and September (71 votes; 61.74%)

The complete results are available here.

"2015 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉" 已經圓滿結束,多謝各位支持。部分選舉結果如下:

第三位:颱風蓮花登陸廣東東部,得票 69 (60.00%)
第一位:颱風蘇迪羅登陸台灣、香港高溫破紀錄,得票 71 (61.74%)
並列第一位:香港八、九月未有熱帶氣旋警告信號,得票 71 (61.74%)

其餘結果詳載於此頁 [棒形圖],歡迎瀏覽。

2013 - 2015
Date Message
2015/12/31 16:05

All important tropical cyclone review reports for 2015 have been uploaded to this page.

2015 年度的重要熱帶氣旋回顧已經全部上載到此頁

2015/07/25 16:30

The review report for Typhoon LINFA, which affected Hong Kong earlier this month, has been uploaded to this page.


2015/07/12 15:15

The review report for tropical cyclone KUJIRA has been uploaded to this page.


2015/06/12 12:30

The review reports of the first three category 5 super typhoons this year (MAYSAK, NOUL and DOLPHIN) have been uploaded to this page.

本年首三個五級超級颱風 (美莎克紅霞白海豚) 的回顧報告已上載於此頁

2015/03/29 06:15

A total lunar eclipse will take place on April 4 and is visible in Hong Kong. Please refer to our special page on Total Lunar Eclipse of April 4th, 2015 and preview animation for details.

香港將可於 4 月 4 日晚間初段看到一次月全食,詳情請參閱本網的 2015 年 4 月 4 日 月全食專頁動畫預覽

2015/01/24 14:00

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2014" Election has concluded. Thanks for your support. The results are now available at this page, with the top three events as follows:

  1. Typhoon KALMAEGI affected Hong Kong and necessitated the #8 Gale or Storm Signal (93.46%);
  2. The Black Rainstorm Warning was first issued in March following torrential rain on March 30 (91.59%);
  3. Super Typhoon RAMMASUN threatened southern China (62.62%).

"2014 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉" 已結束,多謝支持!投票結果已上載至此頁,首三位如下:

  1. 熱帶氣旋海鷗來襲,天文台發出八號烈風或暴風信號;得票 93.46%
  2. 3月30日的傾盆大雨使黑色暴雨警告信號首次於該月發出;得票 91.59%
  3. 超強颱風威馬遜吹襲華南,得票 62.62%
2014/12/27 15:45

All tropical cyclone review reports for this year have been completed and are available at this page.


2014/09/25 03:00

A total lunar eclipse will take place on October 8, and is visible in Hong Kong. For more information, please visit our page on Total Lunar Eclipse of October 8th, 2014.

10 月 8 日將出現一次月全食,於本港可見。有關是次月食的資料,請到2014 年 10 月 8 日之月全食專頁。

2014/09/09 02:00

The review report of tropical cyclone RAMMASUN is now available here.


2014/07/11 00:30

We have created a page on facebook; our latest development can be found there. Please support!

本站現已設立 Facebook 專頁,大家可由該處得知本站最新動態,請多多支持!

2014/06/28 01:30

The review of tropical cyclone HAGIBIS is now available here.


2014/04/06 16:15

(Chinese only)


2014/04/01 14:15

The Observatory has started to provide 9-day weather forecasts. Our website has thus been updated, together with the introduction of a 9-day weather forecast sticker available at this page.


2014/01/26 13:15

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2013" Election has concluded. Thanks for your support. The results are now available at this page, with the top three events as follows:

  1. Super Typhoon HAIYAN reached 170 knots and devastated the Philippines (86.00%)
  2. Super Typhoon USAGI approached southern China (82.50%)
  3. Super Typhoon UTOR impacted the Philippines and approached southern China (57.00%)

"2013 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉" 已結束,多謝支持!投票結果已上載至此頁,首三位如下:

  1. 聯合颱風警報中心估計超強颱風海燕風速達 170 節,成為有紀錄以來登陸時最強的熱帶氣旋,得票 86.00%
  2. 曾達五級強度的超強颱風天兔侵襲華南,得票 82.50%
  3. 超強颱風尤特登陸菲律賓後進入南海並吹襲華南,得票 57.00%
2013/12/26 15:10

The review reports for tropical cyclones USAGI, FRANCISCO, LEKIMA, KROSA and HAIYAN have been uploaded and can be viewed through this page.


2013/11/08 15:00

(Chinese only)

本站網誌「望天打卦」新增有關超級颱風海燕的文章,有興趣的讀者可到 此處

2013/08/07 15:15

The reviews for tropical cyclones BEBINCA, RUMBIA and CIMARON are now available at this page.


2013/07/12 02:30

The tropical cyclone game jointly organized by Hong Kong Wild Weather and Storm Information Centre and our site is now available at this page (in Chinese only).


2013/06/05 16:00

As the Observatory replaced the Wetland Park reference wind station by Lau Fau Shan station, our page on "Wind Speed Data for TCs that Have Affected Hong Kong" has been modified accordingly. Changes in the percentile ranks are given here.


2013/04/16 15:00

A partial lunar eclipse will be visible in Hong Kong during the small hours of April 26. For more details, please read our page on Partial Lunar Eclipse of April 26, 2013 and Animation of the eclipse.

香港將可於 4 月 26 日凌晨看到一次月偏食,詳情請參閱本網的 2013 年 4 月 26 日 月偏食專頁動畫預覽

2013/01/21 15:30

The "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2012" Election has concluded. Thanks for your support. The results are now available at this page, with the top three events as follows:

  1. Severe Typhoon VICENTE necessitated the Hurricane Signal No. 10 (93.95%)
  2. Super Typhoon BOPHA intensified into category 5 at low latitudes and struck the Philippines (59.68%)
  3. Hurricane Sandy lashes U.S. east coast (56.05%)

"2012 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉" 已結束,多謝支持!投票結果已上載至此頁,首三位如下:

  1. 強颱風韋森特令天文台發出十號颶風信號,得票 93.95%
  2. 超級颱風寶霞低緯增強至五級颱風並登陸菲律賓,得票 59.68%
  3. 颶風桑迪橫掃美國東岸,得票 56.05%
2013/01/06 14:30

The review reports of tropical cyclones KAI-TAK (complete version), TEMBIN, JELAWAT and BOPHA are now available at this page.

熱帶氣旋啟德 (完整版本)、天秤杰拉華寶霞的回顧報告已上載於此頁,歡迎瀏覽。

2010 - 2012
Date Message
2012/11/26 03:30

Important: Our web address will formally change to http://david.samsiu.hk/weather on January 1 next year, and the old domain name will cease to work. Please update your links. Thank you!

重要:本站網址將由明年 1 月 1 日起正式改為 http://david.samsiu.hk/weather,而舊域名將會失效,請即更新你的連結,謝謝!

2012/10/20 15:00

Manual updates of the site are resumed.


2012/10/16 11:40

Due to severe malfunction of the webmaster's computer, it may not be possible to update bulletins on the next couple of days. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


2012/08/29 01:30

Manual updates will resume gradually upon the formation of the next tropical cyclone.


2012/08/18 11:50

Manual updates of this site (e.g. tropical cyclone bulletins) will be temporarily suspended early next week for a couple of days as the Webmaster leaves Hong Kong. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. For the latest tropical cyclone information, please visit the following webpages:

(Update on Aug 26: These updates are expected to resume later this week. Thank you for your support!)

由於網主即將出國,本網人手更新部分 (如熱帶氣旋發佈) 將於下周初暫停數天。不便之處,敬請原諒。如欲查詢最新熱帶氣旋資料,請瀏覽下列網頁:

2012/08/14 01:25

The review report of tropical cyclone VICENTE is now available here.

熱帶氣旋 韋森特回顧報告 已經上載,歡迎瀏覽。

2012/08/12 17:55

The frequency of manual updates of this site (e.g. tropical cyclone bulletins) may be reduced from the middle to the end of this month. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

由本月中至月底,本網人手更新部分 (如熱帶氣旋發佈) 頻率或會減低。不便之處,敬請原諒。

2012/07/27 13:20

HKO's press release on Severe Typhoon VICENTE: here


2012/07/12 02:10

The review reports of tropical cyclones TALIM and DOKSURI are now available.

熱帶氣旋 泰利杜蘇芮 的回顧報告現已上載,歡迎瀏覽。

2012/06/06 09:30

Transit of Venus is now taking place, and our site is providing links to live webcast sites. For more information about the transit, please visit our page on Transit of Venus on June 6th, 2012 and transit animation.

金星凌日正進行中,本站現提供網上直播連結,詳見 2012 年 6 月 6 日之金星凌日 專頁及 動畫預覽

2012/05/27 20:50

A partial eclipse of the Moon will take place on June 4 this year, and is visible in Hong Kong just after sunset. For more details, please visit our page on Partial Lunar Eclipse of June 4th, 2012 and an eclipse simulation.

本年 6 月 4 日將出現一次月偏食,香港可於日落後見到。月食詳情請參閱本網的 2012 年 6 月 4 日 月偏食專頁動畫預覽

2012/05/21 12:40

The annular solar eclipse today has come to a conclusion, and thank you for watching. Although the thick cloud cover has masked the sun during annularity, there are still other astronomical events observable in Hong Kong in the next two weeks. Stay tuned!


2012/05/21 01:50

An annular solar eclipse will be visible in Hong Kong this morning, and HKWW is providing links to live webcast pages in our page on "Annular Solar Eclipse of May 21st, 2012". A solar eclipse animation is also available. Useful links:

香港上空將於今早出現一次日環食,有關是次日食的資料和直播站點的連結,請參閱本站的 "2012 年 5 月 21 日之日環食" 專頁,亦另有 動畫預覽 可供瀏覽。其他有用連結:

2012/02/17 23:40

HKWW reaches 2 million page views tonight. Thanks all for your continuous support!

2012/02/16 03:10

An earthquake occurred at Heyuan City, Guangdong at 02:34 HKT, and the tremor was felt in Hong Kong. For more information on this earthquake, please visit the following sites.

HK Observatory Earthquake Reports: http://www.weather.gov.hk/gts/equake/neqpress_e.htm
China Earthquake Networks Center (Chinese only): http://www.cenc.ac.cn/manage/.../1358254f00400.html
US Geological Survey: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usb00080pj.php

廣東河源市於凌晨 2:34 發生一次地震而本港部分市民有感。有關是次地震的資料請參閱下列網站:

香港天文台地震報告: http://www.weather.gov.hk/gts/equake/neqpress_c.htm
中國地震台網中心: http://www.cenc.ac.cn/manage/.../1358254f00400.html
香港電台即時新聞: http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/news/expressnews/index_news.htm
美國地質調查局 (只有英文): http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usb00080pj.php

2012/01/23 12:20

Wish you all the best in the Year of the Dragon!
恭祝各位新春進步!本網網誌新增「早來的新春 --- 農曆日子是怎樣編訂、閏月又是怎樣安排?」一文,上下篇皆已上載至此網頁

2012/01/20 12:05

Announcement of the results for "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2011" Election. The top three events are:

  1. Massive earthquake and tsunami near eastern Japan (86.64%)
  2. Typhoon NESAT strikes southern China (76.72%)
  3. TC formation in the Mediterranean Sea / Tropical storm WASHI strikes the Philippines (45.69%)

"2011 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉" 結果公佈,首三位如下:

  1. 日本東部附近強烈地震及海嘯 (得票 86.64%)
  2. 颱風納沙吹襲華南 (得票 76.72%)
  3. 地中海熱帶氣旋 / 熱帶風暴天鷹吹襲菲律賓 (得票 45.69%)
2012/01/06 15:10

Charts on 24-hour temperature changes, visibility, wind and cloud base are added to our "South China Weather Plots".
"華南天氣要素圖" 新增24小時變溫、能見度、風和雲底溫度等分布圖。

2011/12/30 17:30

Due to time zone changes at Russia and Samoa, the relevant entries at World Clock and Solar Information for Major Cities pages have been adjusted.

2011/10/26 02:30

The tropical cyclone reviews of NESAT and NALGAE are available now. Starting from NESAT, review reports on cyclones that necessitated TC Signal Number 3 or above will include percentile rank data for reference after the Observatory releases relevant wind speed information.
熱帶氣旋 納沙尼格 的回顧現已上載。由納沙起,對於曾發出三號或更高熱帶氣旋信號的氣旋之回顧報告,本站將於天文台發佈風速數據後同時提供其百分等級以作參考。

2011/08/19 15:30

The tropical cyclone reviews for NOCK-TEN and MUIFA have been uploaded.
熱帶氣旋 洛坦梅花 的回顧報告現已上載。

2011/07/11 02:05

2010 tropical cyclone data is now included in our TC Finder utility.
熱帶氣旋尋找工具已新增 2010 年熱帶氣旋資料。[按此瀏覽]

2011/07/11 01:15

The tropical cyclone reviews for SARIKA and HAIMA have been uploaded.
熱帶氣旋 莎莉嘉海馬 的回顧報告現已上載。

2011/06/15 23:45

For more information about tonight's total lunar eclipse, please refer to this page. An animation of the eclipse is available here.

2011/06/05 23:20

The review of tropical cyclone SONGDA is now available here.

2011/01/23 01:00

The result of "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2010" Election has been released (click here). Thank you for your support in this election. The top three events are:

  1. (Oct) Super Typhoon MEGI slammed the Philippines and southern China (78.29%);
  2. (Dec) Temperature at HKO dropped to 5.8 degrees, the lowest since Dec 23, 1999 (68.42%);
  3. (Sep) A record-breaking number of cloud-to-ground lightning strokes (13102) was detected in an hour (59.87%).

"2010 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉" 結果已於此頁公佈,多謝各位參與。首三項事件分別為:

  1. (10月) 超強颱風[魚占]魚吹襲菲律賓和華南 (78.29%);
  2. (12月) 天文台錄得最低氣溫 5.8 度,是自 1999 年 12 月 23 日最低 (68.42%);
  3. (9月) 香港於一小時內錄得破紀錄的 13102 次雲對地閃電 (59.87%)。
2010/11/19 18:20

For more information about today's earthquake near Deep Bay, please refer to HKO's press releases on earthquake and instant news from RTHK.
有關今天后海灣地震的消息,請參閱 天文台有關重要地震的新聞發佈香港電台即時新聞

2010/11/14 16:45

The review of tropical cyclone MEGI is now available here.
熱帶氣旋 [魚占]的回顧經已上載,各位可到 這裡 瀏覽。

2010/10/04 21:40

TC Finder is now launched. Please have a try and give us your comments about this utility.

2010/10/04 21:40

The review of tropical cyclone FANAPI is now available here.
熱帶氣旋凡亞比的回顧經已上載,各位可到 這裡 瀏覽。

2010/09/19 14:45

The TC Review for Tropical Cyclone LIONROCK is now available here.
熱帶氣旋獅子山的回顧經已上載,各位可到 這裡 瀏覽。

2010/08/04 19:50

The review reports of tropical cyclones CONSON and CHANTHU are now available here.
熱帶氣旋康森燦都的回顧經已上載,各位可到 這裡 瀏覽。

2010/05/27 17:50

The 42nd Typhoon Committee annual meeting was held earlier this year. It was decided that three of the tropical cyclone names currently on the list, including MORAKOT, KETSANA and PARMA, will be retired as a result of the intensive damages that they have caused. The replacement names will be determined in next year's meeting. Please click here to take a look at the revised list.
第 42 屆颱風委員會會議已於本年初舉行,並決定將現有熱帶氣旋名稱表中的其中三個名字 (包括莫拉克、凱薩娜和芭瑪) 除去。它們的替代名字將於明年會議中決定,而已更新的熱帶氣旋名稱表則可於 這裡 查閱。

2010/04/22 15:05

The 128-km-range radar image is added.
本站已加入天文台最近推出的 128 公里雷達圖像。

2010/04/04 14:50

A page on "Air Pollution Levels" is added. This page shows the concentration of various pollutants over Hong Kong with their respective sub-indices, and can also be accessed through the "Details" hyperlink in the "Air Pollution Index" section on the main page.
本站新增 "空氣污染水平" 一頁,顯示各類污染物濃度和副指數。此頁亦可經由主頁下方 "空氣污染指數" 欄位中的詳細資料連結到達。

2010/04/02 13:50

The JTWC has recently issued best track and intensity data for tropical cyclones in 2009. These revised intensities are now available in our "TC Archive" page, and the best track data can be retrieved at this site. Also, as Typhoon Lupit was not a category 5 typhoon in real-time data, we will not provide review on this tropical cyclone.
聯合颱風警報中心日前公佈 2009 年熱帶氣旋之最佳路徑和強度資料,修正的強度已顯示於 "熱帶氣旋資料庫" 頁中,而最佳路徑檔案可於這裡查閱。另由於颱風盧碧於實時資料中未達五級颱風強度,本站將不會提供該熱帶氣旋之回顧報 告。

2010/03/22 16:30

Please press here to obtain latest information on air pollution indices across Hong Kong.

2010/02/27 16:25

More news for the magnitude 8.8 earthquake that occurred in Chile today: Google, BBC.
更多有關智利今天 8.8 級地震之消息:GoogleBBC香港電台

2010/02/25 18:20

HKO's temperature data for automatic weather stations at Wong Tai Sin, Happy Valley and Kwun Tong are added in our "Regional Weather" section/page.
本站 "香港分區天氣" 頁/欄已加添黃大仙、觀塘和跑馬地三站。

2010/01/23 20:30

The results of "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2009" Election is announced. We thank all for your participation. The top three events are:

  1. (19/7) Typhoon Molave made landfall at Longgang District of Shenzhen City, and it was only 40 kilometres from the Observatory at its closest point of approach. The Observatory issued the #9 Increasing Gale or Storm Signal for the second time in as many years. Molave is the strongest typhoon to make a "direct hit" since Typhoon Dujuan in 2003.
  2. (7-8/8) Typhoon Morakot made landfall at Hualien, producing winds of force 13. Morakot weakened into a severe tropical cyclone in Taiwan, and made landfall again at Fujian on August 9. The southwesterly airstream induced by Morakot triggered the heaviest rainfall in many areas in Taiwan since 1959, with Alishan recording 2500 mm of rainfall in just three days, and the death toll exceeded 600 as a result.
  3. (14/9) [Tied for second place] Typhoon Koppu passed at about 130 kilometres from the Observatory; the #8 Gale or Storm Signal was issued at 5:55 p.m. and lasted for 16 hours 20 minutes. Winds were very strong that night in the territory; coupled with high tides the next morning, low-lying areas like Tai O were flooded. Koppu made landfall at Taishan, Guangdong on September 15, creating winds of up to force 14. The storm is responsible for at least 9 deaths and 9 others went missing.

"2009 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉" 結果公佈,謝謝各位的參與。首三位事件為 :

  1. (19/7) 颱風莫拉菲在中國廣東省深圳市龍崗區南澳街道沿海地區登陸,其中心於香港天文台北面 40 公里掠過,天文台發出九號烈風或暴風信號,是 2008 年以來第二次。莫拉菲為自 2003 年颱風杜鵑以來正面吹襲香港的最強颱風。
  2. (7-8/8) 颱風莫拉克在台灣花蓮縣登陸,登陸時颱風中心附近最大風力13級。莫拉克於台灣減弱為強烈熱帶風暴,並於 9 日再度登陸福建省霞浦縣。莫拉克引進西南氣流,台灣經歷 50 年來最嚴重的雨災,阿里山於三天內雨量超過 2500 毫米;總計造成超過 600 人死亡,是為 "八八水災"。
  3. (14/9) [並列第二位] 颱風巨爵於本港 130 公里外掠過,天文台於下午 5 時 55 分發出八號烈風或暴風信號,共維持 16 小時 20 分鐘。當晚本港風勢強勁,適逢 15 日凌晨大潮,大澳等低窪地區出現水浸。巨爵於 15 日清晨在中國廣東省台山市北陡鎮沿海地區登陸,廣東省最大風速達 14 級。它造成至少 9 人死亡,9 人失蹤。
2010/01/01 12:00

Happy New Year! As a result of poor weather conditions, the lunar eclipse that occurred earlier today was not visible in Hong Kong. However, a partial solar eclipse will be visible in the territory on January 15 and two visible partial lunar eclipses will occur on June 26 and December 21 respectively. Click here for our page on "Annular Solar Eclipse of January 15th, 2010".
祝各位新年愉快!因天氣關係,本港昨夜未能看到本年首次月食。雖然如此,如天氣許可的話本港將可於本月 15 日看到日偏食 (按此前往本網 "2010 年 1 月 15 日之日環食" 專題頁),亦可於本年 6 月 26 及 12 月 21 日看到月偏食。有關今天月食的圖片和新聞,請參閱內地的報導:2010年元旦凌晨出現月偏食奇觀

2007 - 2009
Date Message
2009/12/27 18:00

The TC report for NIDA is now available.
熱帶氣旋 妮妲 的回顧報告經已推出。

2009/12/16 01:00

A new look for our "Delta P Values" column.
本站 "Delta P 數值" 一欄換上新裝。

2009/11/06 22:45

The tropical cyclone review pages for KETSANA and MELOR are now available here.
熱帶氣旋 凱薩娜茉莉 的回顧現已推出,請到這裡瀏覽。

2009/09/30 23:55

The tropical cyclone review pages for MUJIGAE and KOPPU are now available at this link.
熱帶氣旋 彩虹巨爵 的回顧現已推出,請到這裡瀏覽。

2009/09/10 13:40

The page "Official TC Track Info" is added. It shows all named tropical cyclones in NW Pacific and the South China Sea and includes track and intensity forecasts from major official agencies.
本站新增 "官方熱帶氣旋路徑資料" 頁,顯示各已被命名之熱帶氣旋並附有各大官方氣象台的預測路徑和強度資料。

2009/08/19 21:00

For the news article on the waterspout spotted in Hong Kong waters on Aug 19, please refer to the following web page : http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200908/19/P200908190213.htm.
有關 19 日香港水域出現水龍捲的新聞,請參閱以下網址 : http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200908/19/P200908190214.htm

2009/07/31 22:45

A penumbral lunar eclipse will occur on Aug 6 but is not visible in Hong Kong. For more information, please refer to NASA's PDF document on this eclipse: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/LEplot/LEplot2001/LE2009Aug06N.pdf.
本年 8 月 6 日將出現一次半影月食,但香港並不可見。有關是次月食的資料,請參閱美國太空總署的 PDF 文件 : http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/LEplot/LEplot2001/LE2009Aug06N.pdf

2009/07/31 15:20

Reviews in Chinese are now available in Selected TC Review.
重要熱帶氣旋回顧 現推出中文版。

2009/07/23 16:40

The finalized reviews of tropical cyclones LINFA, NANGKA and the preliminary reports of tropical cyclones SOUDELOR and MOLAVE are now available in this page.
熱帶氣旋 蓮花 和 浪卡 的完整回顧報告及熱帶氣旋 蘇迪羅 和 莫拉菲 的報告初版經已推出,大家可到 這裡 瀏覽。

2009/07/09 22:00

Hong Kong can witness a large-scale partial solar eclipse on July 22nd if weather permits, and live webcast will be available at that time. For more information, please refer to our special page "Total Solar Eclipse of July 22nd, 2009" and animation of the eclipse. Furthermore, we have added pages on "Eclipse Q&A", "Eclipse Glossary", "Solar Eclipse Dates and Numbers" and "Solar Eclipse Calculator" for your reference.
如天氣許可,香港將可於 7 月 22 日看到一次食分頗大的日偏食,本站屆時將會轉播一些日食站點所提供的日食過程。有關是次日食的資料,請參閱本站的 "2009 年 7 月 22 日 日全食" 專頁和 動畫預覽 。本站亦新增 "日月食問與答" 、"日月食術語" 、"日食日期和數字" 和 "日食計算機" 供大家參考。

2009/07/07 12:45

The report (first draft) on Tropical Cyclone NANGKA is also available now. Please click here for the document.
熱帶氣旋浪卡的報告初版亦已推出,請按 這裡 瀏覽。

2009/07/03 16:00

The report (first draft) on Tropical Cyclone LINFA is now available. Please click here for the document.
熱帶氣旋蓮花的報告初版現已推出 (只限英文版),各位可到 這裡 瀏覽。

2009/06/18 01:45

Highly suggested chatroom for discussions on meteorological topics: Hong Kong Meteorological Communicating Centre

2009/05/20 17:00

Several features are added in the page on rainfall. [Press here to visit]
"雨量" 一頁新增數項資訊。[按此瀏覽]

2009/04/13 15:00

We have added "Rainfall distribution & RADAR image" in "Warning(s) in Force" column on the mainpage, which will be activated whenever the thunderstorm warning and/or rainstorm warning signal are/is in force.
主頁 "現時生效警告" 一欄中,當雷暴或暴雨警告信號生效時將會顯示 "雨量分佈和雷達圖" 以供查閱。

2009/04/10 00:30

Dr. Lee Boon-ying was appointed the (acting) Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, replacing Mr. Lam Chiu-ying who is about to retire. [Organizational Chart] [Director's Blog]
李本瀅博士接替即將退休的林超英先生出任 (署任) 香港天文台台長。[架構表] [台長網誌]

2009/04/08 20:30

JTWC's best track data for NW Pacific tropical cyclones in 2008 are now available at this link.
聯合颱風警報中心已公佈 2008 年西北太平洋形成熱帶氣旋之最佳路徑資料,請按這裡瀏覽。

2009/03/22 13:40

The Observatory announced earlier that two more categories, "severe typhoon" and "super typhoon", are to be introduced to the tropical cyclone classification system from this year (Details). We will stay with our current system, but a conversion chart will be provided later for reference. Click here for our current tropical cyclone classification system.
日前天文台宣布於本年開始新增 "強颱風" 和 "超強颱風" 兩個熱帶氣旋等級 (詳情請見這裡)。 本站將沿用現時的熱帶氣旋分類,但會於稍後提供一對應表供瀏覽者參考。本網的熱帶氣旋分級:請按這裡

2009/02/15 01:15

A "share" functionality ( ) is added for you to share the page via other websites (e.g. Facebook), and you can bookmark that page via that button.
由今天開始,每頁頁頂都會增設 "分享" 功能 ( ),你可使用它來分享該頁面至不同網站 (如 Facebook),亦可以新增該頁面到我的最愛 / 書籤。

2009/02/09 00:30

A penumbral lunar eclipse will be visible in Hong Kong from 8 to 12 tonight (9th Feb) if the weather permits (View it LIVE on web!). Please refer to HKO's press release for more details.
如天氣許可,今 (9 日) 晚 8 至 12 時將可在香港看到一次半影月食 (網上直播連結)。詳情請參閱天文台的新聞稿

2009/01/22 21:50

The result of "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of 2008" Election is available here.
2008 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉投票結果已經公佈,請到這裡瀏覽。

2009/01/07 16:00

"Air Pollution Index" column is added on the main page.
主頁新增 "空氣污染指數" 一欄。

2009/01/04 17:00

"Earthquake Information" column is added on the main page. This column shows information on significant seismic activities in the past 24 hours.
主頁新增 "地震資訊" 一欄;該欄將顯示過去 24 小時內之重要地震事件。

2008/10/30 23:10

Report on Tropical Cyclone HIGOS is now available.
熱帶氣旋海高斯之回顧 (只限英文) 現已推出。

2008/10/12 22:20

Added a page on TC names.

2008/10/10 23:40

Review on Tropical Cyclone JANGMI is available.
熱帶氣旋薔薇的回顧 (只限英文) 現已推出。

2008/10/09 20:00

HKO's analysis on Higos: here.

2008/10/07 15:00

Review on Tropical Cyclone HAGUPIT and final report on Tropical Cyclone NURI are available.
熱帶氣旋黑格比鸚鵡的回顧 (只限英文) 現已推出。

2008/09/28 00:20

As the beta test result of "Tropical Cyclone Strike Probability" is unsatisfactory, this product will be temporarily removed from our site from now on.
由於 "熱帶氣旋侵襲機率" 的測試階段效果未如理想,該頁面暫時不對外公布。

2008/09/13 12:35

HKO's press release on "Moon watching tips for Mid-Autumn Festival": Please click here.
天文台關於 "2008 年中秋節賞月錦囊" 之新聞發佈:請按此

2008/09/07 00:00

Report on Tropical Cyclone NURI is now available.
熱帶氣旋鸚鵡之回顧 (只限英文) 現已推出。

2008/09/01 22:40

Our site resumes normal service on 1st September. From now on, we will turn to the typhoon mode when bandwidth usage surges so as to reduce the load of the main server.
本站於 9 月 1 日恢復在原網運作。今後於頻寬用量高時本網將轉在颱風模式中運作,以減低對主伺服器的負擔。


Report on Tropical Cyclone KAMMURI is now available.
熱帶氣旋北冕之回顧 (只限英文) 現已推出。

2008/07/13 22:00

A page on QuikSCAT images is added.
新增 "QuikSCAT 風場圖" 頁。

2008/06/15 21:07

A page on "Tropical Cyclone Strike Probability" is added.
新增 "熱帶氣旋侵襲機率" 頁。

2008/05/24 13:41

A new map on "Weather Conditions in South China Sea" is added.
新增 "南海各區天氣狀況圖"。

2008/05/12 15:50

An earthquake of mangitude 7.8 occurred in Sichuan Province at 2:28 p.m. local time today. The Observatory has received reports from local residents and this tremor was also recorded by the Observatory. See here for more.

2008/05/08 16:10

A new section on "Selected TC Review" is available on HKWW. See here for more.
本站推出 "熱帶氣旋回顧" 版 (只限英文),請參閱這裡

2008/04/12 17:55

HKWW presents to you a new look of our website! All frames that appeared in the previous version have been combined into one and you can now navigate through pages using the navigation bar near the top of each page. If you have any suggestions about this theme (or if you find any bugs), please email to me at hkwwinfo@gmail.com. I hope you enjoy this new theme!
香港天氣觀測站新版面今天正式推出!舊版本中所有的頁框經已合併為一,而你亦可利用近頁首的選擇欄瀏覽本站各頁。 如對新頁面有任何查詢 (或發現任何錯誤),請電郵至hkwwinfo@gmail.com。 希望你喜歡這個頁面更寬廣的設計!

2008/03/23 14:55

Added "Solar Information for Major Cities".
新增 "世界各大城市太陽資訊"。

2008/03/06 21:51

Added "Moon Phase Diagram" in "Astronomical / Tidal Information" column.
於 "天文和潮汐資料" 欄新增 "月相圖"。

2008/01/30 21:43

A list of very cold/cold/very hot places in Hong Kong is provided in "Warning(s) in Force" section, which will be activated when the cold/very hot weather warning is in force. Click on the link to view the list.

2008/01/26 21:24

1) An upgrade of PHP version was made to this site's server earlier today. However it is found that some important libraries and methods are missing. Therefore, you may see warning messages when some of our programs are run, which is due to the problem stated above. My apologies for the inconvenience, and I may switch to another server if problem persists. Please stay tuned for the latest information.

2) The permanent link for the "multi-agency tracking map" has been changed from http://www.hkww.org/weather/agencytc/ to I have discontinued updates to the former address, with immediate effect.

1) 較早前本網的伺服器更新了 PHP 版本,但沒有提供一些重要的程序庫。因此,當一些程式運行時,可能會出現警告語句,網主在此為這帶來的不便致歉。如情況持續,網主不排除會轉用另一個伺服器以解決這個問題。請留意本網以獲取最新消息。

2) "各站預測路徑圖" 的網址已由 http://www.hkww.org/weather/agencytc/ (已停止更新) 更改至

2008/01/19 22:42

A new page "World Clock" is added which can be viewed here.
新增 "世界時間" 頁,各位可到這裡瀏覽。

2007/10/14 23:05 Added a tracking map that shows all agencies' forecasts. Please click here for the page. If you would like to add your site's forecast track into our map, please contact me.
新增"各站預測路徑圖"。如欲將 貴站之預測資料加進本圖,請聯絡我們
2007/09/27 22:30 Hong Kong Weather Watch will adopt a new TC report policy on 1st Oct., 2007. Please refer to here for details.
2007/09/27 22:35 A color-coded TC figure is released. Available at here (also in this page when there is/are active TC(s)).
2007/08/28 22:03 The moon leaves the penumbra and the "Live Webcast of the Lunar Eclipse on 28/8/2007" is now finished. Thank you for your support. (Auto-refreshing of this page has now been resumed)
隨著月球離開地球的半影,"28/8/2007 月全食直播" 經已播放完畢。謝謝各位的支持。(本頁面每300秒自動更新的功能經已恢復)
2007/08/28 15:00 To prevent obstruction when watching the live webcast, auto-refreshing of this page has been temporarily disabled. Please use the "Refresh" button to manually refresh this page.
為了避免妨礙觀看 "月全食直播" ,本頁面將暫停每300秒自動更新的功能,直至直播完畢為止。請使用本頁的 "更新" 連結來手動更新頁面。
2007/08/27 23:39 The Hong Kong Weather Watch Forum is now available. Please register at here!
2007/08/18 13:15 The Chinese version of HKWW is being constructed now and will be available soon.
HKWW 之中文版正在製作中,並將於短期內完成。

Last Accessed: Tue Feb 18 2025 09:51:03 HKT
Last Modified: Sun Jan 26 2025