Other Info > Disclaimer [Refresh] [中文]


Hong Kong Weather Watch (HKWW, this site) is set up as an meteorological interest site. Members of the public are reminded to visit the Hong Kong Observatory for official and up-to-date weather information. HKWW shall not have any legal liability or responsibility (including liability for negligence) for any loss, damage or injury (including death) which may arise from the direct / indirect supply or use of such information. Although the greatest effort is made to ensure that accurate information is presented, HKWW makes no warranty regarding the precision and completeness of such information.

Copyright Notice

All contents available on this site are protected by the Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance. Links to web pages in this sites are permitted only under personal, educational or academic circumstances (non-profit) without prior approval from HKWW. If one wants to link to any other media in this site (for example, images, data etc.) for purposes not mentioned above, approval must be sought by emailing the webmaster at hkwwinfo@gmail.com.

Third Party Sites

Users must note that HKWW takes no responsibility over the reliability and suitability of contents hosted on third party sites, as indicated in this site with links that normally open in a blank page. When you decide to visit any third party site directed from HKWW, you do this entirely at your own risk.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer, please contact us at hkwwinfo@gmail.com. You should also note that this document is subject to change at any time without prior notification. The date that this document is last modified is indicated near the bottom of this page.

Last Accessed: Sat Jul 27 2024 19:20:27 HKT
Last Modified: Mon Jul 24 2023