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Quick Links:
- Governmental Weather Institutions in SE Asia - Hong Kong Past Weather & Climate
- Other Related Weather Institutions - World Weather & Climate
- Weather Charts - Astronomical Services
- Numerical Weather Forecast Charts - Other Useful Sites
- Satellite Images - The Environment and Nature
- Radar Images  

Other Useful Links

Only Non-TC sites are included in this section. For links to TC-related sites, please click here.

Governmental Weather Institutions in SE Asia
Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) The official meteorological agency of Hong Kong.
Central Weather Administration (CWA) The official meteorological agency of Taiwan.
Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) The official meteorological agency of Japan.
Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) The official meteorological agency of Korea.
China Meteorological Administration (CMA) / Weather China The official meteorological agency of China.
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) The official meteorological agency of the Philippines.
Direcção dos Serviços Meteorológicos e Geofísicos (SMG) The official meteorological agency of Macau.
Other Related Weather Institutions
Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) The official meteorological agency of Australia.
Met Office The official meteorological agency of United Kingdom.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) The official meteorological agency of United States.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) An intergovernmental organization that specializes in meteorology.
Weather Charts
Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) Weather charts are drawn 4 times a day, at 0, 6, 12 and 18 UTC. Surface details only.
Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) Provides surface weather charts. Available in 3-hour intervals.
Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Provides surface weather charts. Available in 3-hour intervals.
Central Weather Administration (CWA) Updated 4 times a day at 0, 6, 12 and 18 UTC. Also provides forecast charts of up to 7 days.
Numerical Weather Forecast Charts
Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) A collection of forecast charts at surface level, 850, 700, 500 and 200 hPa of up to 72 hours. Uses the Non-Hydrostatic Model (NHM)
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Forecasts mean sea level pressure, 850 hPa wind speed and 500 hPa geopotential heights. Ranges from t+72 hours to t+240 hours with an increment of 24 hours. Past forecast base times are also available.
Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) Forecasts of up to 72 hours are available. Provides weather details of different layers of atmosphere.
Windy Provides different models with information about various layers of atmosphere.

Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC):


Models developed in the United States. Both models provide weather details of different layers of atmosphere, but NAVGEM provides more choices than GFS. As of December 2015, both models provide predictions of up to 180 hours ahead. "NAVGEM"and "GFS" stand for "Navy Global Environmental Model" and "National Weather Service Global Forecast System" respectively. The NAVGEM model replaced the older NOGAPS in 2013.
Tropical Tidbits A collection of forecast charts based on different models. Link defaults to ECMWF model, but others can be selected through the "Global" tab on the page.
Satellite Images
Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) Provides IR and VIS imageries. Updated every 10 minutes with loops available.
NOAA Guam Sector Provides IR, VIS, WV and Colorized IR imageries. Updated once per hour with loops available. Also contains individual sectors.
NOAA South Hemisphere Sector Provides IR, VIS, WV and Colorized IR imageries. Updated once per hour with loops available.
Central Weather Administration (CWA) Provides IR, VIS and Colour Enhanced IR imageries. Updated every 10 minutes with loops available.
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) Provides different IR and VIS imageries. Updated every 10 minutes with loops available.
Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Provides IR, VIS and WV imageries. Updated every 10 minutes with loops available.
Direcção dos Serviços Meteorológicos e Geofísicos (SMG) Provides IR and VIS imageries. Updated once per half hour with loops available.
NRL Monterey Global Imagery Provides IR, VIS and WV imageries.
Kochi University of Japan Provides IR, VIS and WV imageries. Updated once per hour with loops available.
RealEarth Provides various types of satellite images (global).
RAMMB/CIRA Satellite Loop Provides various types of satellite images (global).
Radar Images

Hong Kong Observatory (HKO)
- Radar images only
- Overlaid with lightning location information

Provides images of 64km, 128km and 256km ranges with loops available.
Central Weather Administration (CWA) Provides images at 10-minute intervals with loops available.
China Weather Provides radar images for various Chinese places. (Chinese only)
Hong Kong Past Weather & Climate (based on data issued by the Hong Kong Observatory)
button Past Weather
Monthly Weather Summaries Presents verbal, numerical and graphical data of the month's weather. Database record since January 1997.
Yearly Weather Summaries Presents verbal and numerical data of the year's weather. Database record since 1997.
Weather on a Special Day Presents the temperature range, rainfall and bright sunshine duration of a particular day. Database record since 1 January 1884.
Past Automatic Weather Stations Data Provides an archive of charts from HKO on different weather elements recorded by the automatic weather stations in Hong Kong. Data stored by the Weather Underground of Hong Kong. Database record since 3 June 2005.
Past Weather Reports Presents all past weather bulletins issued by the Hong Kong Observatory. Script created by the Weather Underground of Hong Kong. Database record since 1 May 1998.
HKO Warnings and Signals Database
- Quick link: TC Warning Signals Database
Provides information on the time of issuance and cancellation of all weather warning signals in Hong Kong.
Past Weather Charts, Isohyet Charts, Satellite Images etc. Provides historical weather information of Hong Kong. Maintained by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
button Hong Kong Climate

Climatological Information Services

A comprehensive site map of all climatological data of Hong Kong.
World Weather & Climate
button World Weather
World Weather Information (HKO) Provides the max./min. temperatures and weather condition all over the world.
Weather Underground Provides extensive weather information for most of the places in the world.
weather.com Provides extensive weather information for most of the places in the world.
Severe Weather Information Centre (SWIC) Provides information on severe weather over the world. A WMO site and developed / maintained by HKO.
World Weather Information Service (WMO) Provides official observations and forecasts. A WMO site and developed / maintained by HKO.
button World Climate
Climatological Information of World Cities (HKO) Provides major climatological elements of world cities.
WorldClimate Provides climatological data of world cities.
WeatherSpark Povides current weather information and extensive graphs on climatological averages.
Astronomical Services
Hong Kong Tidal Information Includes graphs of predicted and measured tides.
Sunrise / Sunset Information for World Cities Contains information on sunrise/sunset times.
Moonrise / Moonset Information for World Cities Contains information on moonrise/moonset times.
Weather Information for Astronomical Observation (HKO) Provides weather information in HK related to astronomical observations. A HKO site.
Other Useful Weather Links
Weather Calculator (NOAA) Provides heat index, wind chill and cricket chirps calculations as well as conversion among RH, wet bulb temperature, dewpoint and vapour pressure etc. Formulas are also provided.
HKO Network Time Service / Web Clock

Displays the Hong Kong Standard Time and provides information on synchronization of computer clocks.

Weather Underground of Hong Kong A meteorological interest site for weather enthusiasts and experts.
Weather & Climate Links (NOAA) (page captured by Internet Archive; original link has been discontinued) Another list of useful links produced by the NOAA.
The Environment and Nature
Friends of the Earth (HK: Here) Greenpeace (E Asia: Here) The Nature Conservancy (HK: Here) World Wide Fund for Nature (HK: Here)
Environmental Protection Department (HK) Environmental Campaign Committee (HK) Greenpower Global Climate Change (NASA)

Last Accessed: Wed Jan 15 2025 01:27:03 HKT
Last Modified: Mon Aug 12 2024